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wrong) that you called him 'a disgusting individual' first, and Mark Latham's response whilst disgusting, was not an attack on your character, merely an observation of factual nature not a value statement. I know a little about this as I once employed a gay young man and when he came to work, spent the first half an hour in the toilet cleaning himself out and clogging the bowl with toilet paper, much to the annoyance of his work colleagues who couldn't get to use the bathroom. My point is this. Don't dish out dirt on someone if you don't want a hostile response! All the best with your cleaning efforts. I just hope it doesn't take as long as the young gay fellow who worked for me.

(l) At 8:02pm on 8 May 2023, the following Facebook message:

Where you born a disgusting pedophile, you know what horrors kids are going through because of pedophiles in power you sick bastard

(m) On about 9 May 2023, the following Facebook message:

Stay away from our kids mate. We are here to protect the kids at all costs mate. This is a warning stay away from our kids

(n) An email received at 2:22pm on 11 May 2023:

Dear Mr Greenwich, I am puzzled by the reaction from you and many other people to Latham's tweet.

How is a crude but accurate description of a particular sexual act "homophobic"?

Any gay who identifies as a "top" regards anal penetration as normal behaviour. And gays are famous for promiscuity, e.g. Freddie Mercury. In the movie "Love Actually" from more than 20 years ago one of the characters asks another "How about a bit of buggery?", clearly talking about the same activity.

Whether one finds getting faeces on one's body disgusting depends a great deal on the values of a person. Most parents who have spent a few years cleaning up infants are quite relaxed about that. In another recent movie Katherine Heigl supposedly had some on her face and hadn't noticed. Straight males who take no part in child care obviously have a different view. That attitude is pretty ridiculous in my opinion.

The only really offensive thing I can see in the tweet is the Implication that you are promiscuous ("some bloke") rather than faithful to your partner.

In public disputes, derision is often more effective than rage.

Why didn't you just laugh at him?

(o) An anonymous, handwritten letter received on about 16 May 2023 in the following terms:

Poor pathetic Pedo Pooftah.

Throwing you "blokes"!!! over cliffs was too good for you!

Should be hung, drawn and quarted.

Fucking Fairy Faggot!

Greenwich v Latham [2024] FCA 1050