Page:Gurney - Things Mother Used to Make.djvu/30

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Real Johnny Cake

2 Cupfuls of Flour 1 Teaspoonful of Cream
1 Cupful of Yellow Meal of Tartar
4 Tablespoonfuls of Sugar ½ Teaspoonful of Soda
½ Teaspoonful of Salt or,
2 Teaspoonfuls of Baking-

Add enough milk or water to make a thin batter, and bake.

New England Buns

1 Cupful of Milk ¼ Teaspoonful of Soda
1 and ⅓ Cupfuls of ½ Teaspoonful of Salt
Sugar 1 Yeast Cake
⅔ Cupful of Butter or Flour enough for Soft
Lard Dough
½ Cupful of Currants
1 Teaspoonful of Extract
of Lemon

Dissolve the yeast in a half-cupful of cold water. Scald the milk and, when nearly cold, add the yeast, half the sugar, and flour enough to make a thin batter; let it rise to twice its bulk. When light and foamy, add the rest of the ingredients; sprinkle a little flour over the currants, stir the soda into the flour, using flour enough to make stiff dough. Set again, then roll, cut with a cooky-cutter, about an inch thick, and let rise again. Bake in a moderate