Page:Gurney - Things Mother Used to Make.djvu/60

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Breaded Pork Chops

6 Chops 1 Cupful of Bread Crumbs
1 Egg Pinch of Salt
½ Cupful of Milk

Beat the egg and milk together, adding the salt. Dip the chops into this mixture, then into the crumbs. Fry in hot fat. Veal cutlets can be served in the same way.

Potted Beef

3 Pounds of a Cheap Cut ½ Can of Tomatoes
of Beef Salt to taste
3 Onions

Put the meat into a kettle, cover with cold water and boil slowly for three or four hours. Add salt and onions, cut fine. Put the tomato through a colander. Boil all together, and, as the water boils away, add more. Serve the meat hot. The liquor makes a delicious soup, thickened with two tablespoonfuls of flour.

A Fine Way to Cook Veal

2 Pounds of Veal, or ac- 1 Egg
cording to size of Bread Crumbs
family Milk, Salt and Pepper

Cut the veal into small pieces, a good size for serving, and season with salt and pepper. Dip into