Page:Gurney - Things Mother Used to Make.djvu/61

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the egg. Which has been beaten light, then into the bread crumbs. Have a little pork fat (lard will do) in a frying-pan, and cook until brown. Set on the back of the stove and cook slowly for ten minutes. Cover with milk, and bake in the oven very slowly for one hour in a covered pan. The toughest veal, cooked in this way, will be as tender as chicken.

Veal Patties

1½ Cupfuls of Boiled ½ Teaspoonful of Poul-
Rice try Dressing
1 Cupful of Veal 1 Egg
½ Teaspoonful of Salt 1 Tablespoonful of Milk

Grind or chop the veal, salt and stir into the rice with the dressing; beat the eggs, add milk, and stir all together. Drop a tablespoonful spread out thin on the griddle, and fry as you would griddle-cakes. Chicken, pork, or lamb may be used instead of veal.