Page:Gurney - Things Mother Used to Make.djvu/73

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Tomato Catsup, No. 2

1 Pint of Vinegar 1 Tablespoonful of Black
2 Quarts of Ripe Toma- Pepper
toes Allspice
1 Tablespoonful of Salt 2 Pods Red Pepper
1 Tablespoonful of Mus-

Peel the tomatoes, add salt, black pepper, mustard, red pepper, and allspice. Mix and stew slowly, in the vinegar for two hours. Strain through a sieve, and cook until you have one quart. Cork in bottles.

Pickled Watermelon Rind

Pare off the green rind and all the pink, using just the white of the melon. Cut into large squares. Cover with water, and put in a pinch of alum. Let stand twenty-four hours. Pour off the water and drain. Take enough vinegar to cover, add one teaspoonful of whole allspice, cloves and white mustard seed, and pour over the rind boiling hot. Heat the vinegar three mornings in succession, and pour over the rind while hot. It will be ready for use in a week.