Page:Gurney - Things Mother Used to Make.djvu/74

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Rich Pie Crust

3 Cupfuls of Flour 1 Dessertspoonful of Salt
1 Cupful of Lard

Put salt and lard into the flour, working in the lard with the hand until thoroughly mixed. Add enough water to barely wet,–ice-cold water is best. This is sufficient for two pies.

Pork Apple Pie

4 Apples 1 Teaspoonful of Ground
4 Tablespoonfuls of Sugar Cinnamon
12 Pieces of Fat Salt
Pork, size of a Pea

Line a pie-plate with rich crust; pare, core and slice apples thin, to fill the plate; sprinkle over these the sugar, cinnamon and pork; cover with crust and bake in moderate oven. To be eaten warm.

Chocolate Custard Pie

1 Pint of Milk 2 Tablespoonfuls of Cocoa
4 Tablespoonfuls of Sugar or
3 Eggs 1 Square of Chocolate
Pinch of Salt 1 Teaspoonful of Vanilla