Page:Gurney - Things Mother Used to Make.djvu/97

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Chocolate Sauce

1 Tablespoonful of Butter 1 Cupful of Sugar
2 Tablespoonfuls of 4 Tablespoonfuls of Boil-
Cocoa ing Water

Put the butter into an agate dish on the stove; when melted, stir in the cocoa and sugar dry; add boiling water and stir until smooth. Add vanilla to taste.

Cold Sauce

Cream together one-half cupful of butter and one and one-half cupfuls of sugar. Grate a little nutmeg over the top.

Cranberry Sauce

Pick over and wash one quart of cranberries; cover with cold water and cook until tender. Remove from the fire, rub through a colander and sweeten to taste.

Cream Mustard

½ Cupful of Vinegar ½ Teaspoonful of Salt
½ Cupful of Sweet Cream 1 Tablespoonful of Mus-
1 Egg tard

Put the vinegar on the stove and let it come to a