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THE CHAIRMAN: Okay. The gentleman will state his secondary motion.

MR. SCHIFF: Mr. Chairman, I wish to make a motion to amend the majority's motion to request that a version -- to request that the minority memorandum be made public alongside the majority memorandum, if that is the will of this committee.

I make this motion reluctantly, as I believe it is the responsibility of the committee to protect sensitive information provided to us in our oversight capacity. However, in this case, I see no alternative, given the serious defects and mischaracterizations found in the GOP document.

I believe the House Members have been misled, and I am loathe to see the public misled. As such, should the committee vote to release publicly the majority's document, my motion would allow for public release of the minority document as well.

I will say that it will be our intention, if both memoranda are voted out of the committee, to make our memoranda, at least, available to the Department of Justice and the FBI, subject to their input and redaction before being made public.

But, at this point, our motion would be to join our document with that requested by Mr. King to be released publicly.

Mr. King said, in support of his motion to make the majority memo public, quote, "Full transparency is required." If it is Mr. King's position that full transparency is required, certainly full transparency means full transparency, and that would include the minority views as well as the majority views.

And so I make this secondary motion that, if the majority is intent on publishing their document publicly, it be made public side-by-side with the minority views.