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THE CHAIRMAN: Any member wish to be heard on Mr. Schiff‘s amendment?

MR. CONAWAY: Mr. Chairman?

THE CHAIRMAN: Mr. Conaway.

MR. CONAWAY: Mr. Chairman, earlier in my conversation, I said that I was confident releasing to the House the minority's memorandum unread. I think that would be irresponsible to take that issue this afternoon.

I would prefer to travel a similar path we have given with the majority report, and that is, allow those Members who choose to come down here to read it. We get about a week-plus to reflect on it and to scrub it.

And I would prefer to take that same similar process with a much more detailed memo. Concerning with the 26 or so -- or 36 footnotes to the minority‘s report and some of the details there that could be described as harming national interests. I think we need time to absorb their 10-page memo before we release it to the full public So --

MR. QUIGLEY: Would the gentleman yield?

MR. CONAWAY: Hang on a second.

I would, after a time of reflection on the entire House, be favorably inclined to release the memo to the public, but I think that is premature.

And I will yield.

MR. QUIGLEY: I am associating with everything you said and just suggesting that, if we are put in a box and half to release both memos, if we are talking about being fair and just about something this important, wouldn't you agree that if you are going to put it off to do that you would put off so that both could be released at the same time, sir?