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If I been a-wo'kin' night an' day, same's yo' been a-doin', reckon I'd lak a leetle spree myself.

[Opens door r.

Why, you black rascal, at your age!

Well, sah, dat am de on'y thing 'at 'ud pavent it, Marse Cunnel.

[Laughing and going quickly toward door r.; shouts.] Get off to bed!

[Zekiel exits r. laughing; closes door. Hamilton laughs, walks over to table c., sits, looks at food, feels loneliness, feels heat—rises—opens window l. onto balcony. Takes out handkerchief and wipes brow. Returning to c. table he chuckles at Bill on table l. as he passes. Sits down behind c. table and is pouring out a glass of wine when there is faint knocking at outer door, which he hardly hears and attaches no importance to. He is about to drink the wine when the knocking repeated louder. He puts down the glass and opens room-door and listens. It comes again. He goes out and unbolts street-door and opens it.

Mrs. Reynolds.
[Outside.] Is this Alexander Hamilton's house?