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Yes, this is Mr. Hamilton's house.

Mrs. Reynolds.
Is he at home?

Yes, he is at home. What do you want?

Mrs. Reynolds.
I want to see him.

Won't it do to-morrow?

Mrs. Reynolds.
Oh, no. I must see him to-night.

Come in.

[Enter Mrs. Reynolds. He closes street door but not room door. Mrs. Reynolds wears a short, white muslin dress, filmy and simple. It is short-waisted, and cut low. Over this a straight, blue cape, with a little hood on back. Her hair is in ringlets. Her slippers are black, with white stockings and with black ribbons crossed over ankle. She comes to c. above table, taking in the room with a glance. Hamilton follows and is on her r.

Mrs. Reynolds.
May I see him?

I am Mr. Hamilton.