Page:Hand-book of Volapük (Sprauge, 1888).djvu/30

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I do not see my three books. Which book [book which] is good ? This book is not bad. I have not many good books. How many genders are there in Volapük ? ["Genders how many are in Volapük ?" Omit "there" in "there is," "there are."] There are two genders [two genders are] in Volapük and in French ; there are three genders in English and in German. One (not bal, 1) studies Volapük in all countries of the whole world.


Numeral adverbs, expressing repetition, are formed by adding na. Kilna, three times ; kilidna, the third time.

Adverbs are formed from adjectivs, and sometimes from other parts of speech by adding o, corresponding to the English -ly.

Vifik, quick ; vifiko, quickly. Neit, night ; neitiko, nocturnally. When the adverb ending in iko immediately follows the verb, o is sometimes omitted ;

gonom vifik (vifiko), he runs fast (swiftly).

It is much clearer, however, to retain the o.


Fidobs kilna in del, telsebalna in vig. Buk at tidom volapüki obe balidna. Man et, kel binom deutel, pükom nelijapüki badiko, ab sevom volapüki gudiko. Dels goloms vifix, e no labobs timi mödik.

The dog eats fast. You write well [goodly]. We speak Volapük badly. I write three letters twice in a week. We buy books cheaply ["cheaply" after "buy"]. we buy cheap boks. The merchant buys cheap and sells dear.