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Adiabatic cooling, 61
Air bumps, 58
— cataracts, 59
— constituents of, 4
— convectional movements of, 19, 136
— density of, 44
— electrical conditions of, 109
— expansion coefficients, 39
— holes, 58
Airman and winds, 58
Alter shield, 229
Altitudes, air temperatures, 26, 28
— terrain, 28, 29
Ammonia, 7
Anemometer, Biram, 239
— Robinson, 239
Anti-trade winds, 50
Argon, 6
Ascending air currents, 45
Atmosphere, analyses of, 3
— depth of, 3
— unit of pressure, 39
Atmospheric optical phenomena, 1
— pressure, 39
Aureole, 121
Aurora borealis, 111
Avogadro’s law, 14
Barograms, interpretation of, 213
Barograph, 211
— adjustment of, 212
Barometer, 39
— aneroid, adjustment of, 207
construction of, 206
engineers’, 209
Barometer, aneroid, Goldschmidt, 207
— — pocket, 209
recording, 210
Barometer, mercury, 193
adjustment of, 198
construction of, 195
fixed cistern, 196
Fortin cistern, 195
observations, 202
rules for care of, 200
scales, 201
Beaufort scale, 239, 240
Bermuda high, 41, 145
Bigelow, F., quoted, 89
Billow clouds, 59, 237
Blizzard, 55
Bora, 55
British thermal unit, 21
Brooks, quoted, 85
Calm belts, 52, 53
Calorie, 21
Carbon dioxide of atmosphere, 3, 4, 5, 8
Cauliflower cloud, 83
Ceiling, atmospheric, 57, 137
Center of mass, 48
Chinook wind, 54
Chlorine, 8
Cloudbelt, equatorial, 97
Cloudbursts, 106
Cloud classification, 73, 75
— formation of, 71
— heights, 89, 286
— records, 85