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Clouds and visibility, 140
— alto-cumulus, 79
— alto-stratus, 77
— billow, 75
— classified, 73, 75
— cirro-cumulus, 77
— cirro-stratus, 77, 122, 172
— cirrus, 75
— cirrus haze, 77, 122, 172
— cirrus uncinus, 75
— cumulo-nimbus, 81, 83
— cumulus, 81, 83
— mammato-cumulus, 79
— nimbus, 79
— rain, 87
— scarf, 87
— strato-cumulus, 79
— stratus, 83
— undulatory, 87
— unusual forms, 87
— velo, 71, 140
Cloudiness, comparative, 91
— distribution of, 89
— minimum, 91
Cohesion, 12
Cold wave, 152
Colorado desert, 109
Condensation, 61
— conditions of, 62
— forms of, 64
Convectional layer, 57
Corona, 120
Counter sun, 122
Counter trade winds, 50
Cross winds, 237
Crystallization, 12
Day, length of, 23, 283
Degree, determination of, 177
— values, 21
Dew, 64
Dew point, 62
Diathermancy, 17
Diffusion of moisture, 60
Doldrums, 52, 97
Downdraughts, 54
Ductility, 12
Dust and city fogs, 127
Dust and condensation, 127
— atmospheric, 8, 61
— bacterium content of, 132
— counters, 126
— effects of on absorption, 37
— electrification of, 124
— nuclei of condensation, 61
— sources of, 128
— storms, 142
— temperature effects of, 129
— wind-blown, 131
Earth's axis, inclination of, 23, 25
Electricity, atmospheric, 109, 110
— extra-terrestrial influences, 110
— of rain and snow storms, 110
Ether, 10, 108
Ether wave indicator, 109
Evaporation, 60
— latent-heat of, 20
— measurement of, 220
— rate of, 60
Evaporimeters, 220
Expansion-contraction, 12
False cirri, 83
Fog, advection, 68
— - and visibility, 139
— city, 69
— formation of, 68
— radiation, 69
— sea, 139
Freezing mixtures, 256
Frost, 65
— killing, 67
— probabilities, 66
— warnings, 65
Gases, properties of, 13
Gravity defined, 14
Greely quoted, 46
Growing season (map), 66, 67
Hail stones, structure of, 105
Hail storms, bombarding of, 105
forecasts of, 106
loci of, 105