Page:Harris Dickson--Old Reliable in Africa.djvu/62

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shall play what you choose. You will surprise us, yes, yes. Captain, come here." She beckoned the bewhiskered officer. "I give a benefit, you know, for this young lady. She will play so wonderfully; I shall sing three times—three songs."

The gallant captain bent over her, "When have we such happiness?"

"This night, this very night. I cannot sleep until mia carissima is provided for."

Miss Stanton moved uneasily, and would have run away had not the other held her. "Please don't," she whispered; "it makes me feel——"

"Tut—tut—tut, it is their privilege. They feed their pigs, they stable their cattle. Such an artiste as yourself comes once only in a lifetime. Captain, post a notice at once, that Aurora will sing to-night, at eight. Tickets $5.00. I shall myself buy twenty. It is worth twenty tickets to hear Miss Stanton play the violin."

The diva's enthusiasm gained strength like a rolling stone. She called passenger after passenger to her side. They were glad to come, proud to buy tickets from her own hand, by the twos and fives and tens.

Zack stood grinning at the door. He knew that something important was going on, some thing that made the little Miss look very flushed and happy. When Miss Stanton caught sight of