Page:Harris Dickson--Old Reliable in Africa.djvu/63

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him, she touched Aurora's hand, "There's the old black man that you wanted to hear talk."

"Call him, my dear, call him. He is so amusing."

Miss Stanton nodded cordially, and Zack came sidewise into the big room.

"What are you laughing at, Uncle Zack?" she inquired. Aurora sat up straight to hear what he said. Zack grinned: "I jes been lookin' at all dis water an' studyin' 'bout sump'n."

"Studying about what?" Miss Stanton drew him out.

"You say tain't nothin' but water up dat a-way?" pointing towards the north. Miss Stanton agreed.

"An' nothin' 'cept water down yonder way?" indicating the south. Miss Stanton nodded again.

"An' de onliest banks is over yonder, an' back yonder whar us come from?" Zack broke out into a loud laugh, "I war jes studyin', ef all de men was on one side, an' all de wimmen on de yuther, an twarn't no way to walk around dat water; it jes fell in my min' to laff at what a mighty scufflin' dere'd be 'mongst dem wimmen learning how to swim."

Aurora leaned back and laughed, which tickled Zack into showing all his teeth. Miss Stanton kept him talking, "Now, Uncle Zack, what did you say your name is?"