Page:Harvard Law Review Volume 2.djvu/155

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Giot^ia. — Const, art 2, 8. 5 ; art 8, s. 3 ; Local Option, Laws ^85, no. 182 ; License Code ^82, $ 1419; State Tax, 15a

/db>i^. — License, |6o to I200, territorial tax; county tax by monthly sales, |6o to |ioo. Rev. Stats. Idaho '87, ss. 1648-9.

Indiana. — License, General, $100, vinous and malt, $50, Rev. Stat. Ind. '81. s. 5316. Incorporated towns may add as much more. Acts Ind. '85, p. 172.

Illinois. — Const, art. 9, s. i ; Local Option by petition, Rev. Stats. 111. ^87, ch. 43* s. 17; License, General, $500, malt, $150, Rev. Stats. Illinois '87, s. 16; Civil Damage, Rev. Stats. Illinois ^7, s. 9.

Iowa. — Const art. i, s. 26, Prohibition; Prohibition, Laws ^84, ch. 143; Nuisance, Laws ^86, pp. 81-5; Permits, Rev. Code "80, p. 406 et seq.; Civil Damage, Rev. Code '80, s. 1557.

Abitroj. — Const art. 15, § 10, Prohibition; Prohibition, Comp. Laws *8s, c. 35, s. 2287; Nuisance, Comp. Laws, s. 2299; Civil Damage, Comp. Laws, s. 2301 ; Nuisance, Laws '87, p. 233.

Kentucfy.-'XxxaX Option, Gen. Stats. ^87, p. 470; License, Gen. Stats. '87, p. 1047 ; Civil Damage, aifter notice. Gen. Stats. '87, p. 1235.

Louisiana. — Const arts. 170, 190, 206; Local Option Laws of La. '84, p. 98; License, by sales, $50-$750, Laws 86, p. 181.

Maine. — Const, am'dmt, Acts '85, p. 339, Prohibition ; Prohibition, Rev. Stats, ch. 27; Nuisance, Rev. Stats, ch. 27; Civil Damage, Rev. Stats, ch. 27; Town Agents.

Maryland, — License, by stock in trade, 135-$ 150; Rev. Code Md. '78, art. 12, ss. 60-70.

Massachusetts. — Local Option, Pub. Stats, ch. 100, s.j; License, |i so to $1,000. Acts Mass. 1888, ch. 341 ; Druggists, Stats. '87, ch. 431 ; Civil Damage Stats. '85, ch. 282; Nuisance, Pub. Stats, ch. loi.

Michigan. — License, I300-I500, Acts '87, no. 313; Civil Damage, Acts ^87, no. 313.

Minnesota. — Local Option, Laws '85, ch. 145, s. 48 ; License, $500 to $1,000, Laws '87, ch. 5 ; Civil Damage, after notice. Laws ^87, ch. 81.

Mississippi. — Const art. 8, s. 6, 2d amendment : Local Option, by petition. Code of '80, $ 1 103 ; License, General, |2oo-$ 1,000, Code of *8o, § 1099.

Missottri. — Local Option, Laws '87, p. 179; Civil Damage for sale to a minor, Laws '85, p. 160; License, I550 to 1 1,200, Laws '87, p. 179.

Montana Territory. — License, $180 to I500, by population ; Extra sess. '87, p. 74 ; Local Option, Gen. Stats. *87, p. 1035.

Nelrrasha. — Const, art. 8, s. 5, art. 9, s. i ; License, $500 to $1,000, by population ; Comp. Stats. Neb. '87, ch. 50; Civil Damage, Comp. Stats. Neb. '07, ch. 50, 8.15.

Nevada. — License, |6o to $120, Rev. Stats. Nev. § 114a

New Hampshire. — Prohibition ; Nuisance, Laws '87, ch. 77 ; Civil Damage, Gen. Laws N. H. 78, ch. 109, s. 28; Town Agents, Gen. Laws N. H. 78, ch. 109, s. I.

New Jersey. — Local Option, License, $100 to I250, Laws "88, ch. 1 10.

New Mexico. — License, $40, Comp. Laws '84, §§ 1622, 2901 ; Civil Damage, after notice. Laws '87, p. 45.

New Yorh. — License, Laws ^86^ ch. 496, § i ; License, $30 to $250, Rev. Code N. Y. ; Civil Damage, Rev. Code, p. 1990.

North Carolina. — Local Option, Laws ^87, ch. 215; License, |8o. Laws '87, pp. 249, 25s ; Civil Damage, Code, *83, s. 1078.

Ohio, — Const, art. 1 5, s. 9 ; Assessment, I200, supp. Rev. Stats, pp. 686-8 ; Civil Damage, after notice, Rev. Stats, s. 4357.

Oregon. — Local Option by petition, Hill's Laws of Oregon, § 3635 ; License, Oregon, ch. 54, tit. i.

Pennsylvania. — License, |ioo to I500, by population. Laws of '87, no. 135 ; License, in General, Laws of '87, no. 53 ; Civil Damage, Pa. Digest, p. 1082.

South Carolina. '-hocsA Option, Gen. Stats. S. C. ^82, ss. 1746-S3» anid. in Acts