Page:Headlong Hall - Peacock (1816).djvu/188

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Headlong Hall. The Reverend Doctor handed Miss Philomela to the chair most conveniently situated for enjoying this interesting scene, protesting he had never before been sufficiently impressed with the magnificence of that mountain, which he now perceived to be well worthy of all the fame it had obtained.

"Now when they had eaten and were satisfied," Squire Headlong called on Mr. Chromatic for a song: who, with the assistance of his two accomplished daughters, regaled the ears of the company with the following


Grey Twilight, from her shadowy hill,
Discolours Nature's vernal bloom,
And sheds on grove, and stream, and rill,
One placid tint of deepening gloom.

  1. Imitated from a passage in the Purgatorio of Dante.