Page:Henry IV Part 2 (1921) Yale.djvu/127

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King Henry the Fourth, V. iii

Pist. Under which king, Bezonian? speak, or
die. 116

Shal. Under King Harry.

Pist.Harry the Fourth? or Fifth?

Shal. Harry the Fourth.

Pist.A foutra for thine office!
Sir John, thy tender lambkin now is king;
Harry the Fifth's the man. I speak the truth: 120
When Pistol lies, do this; and fig me, like
The bragging Spaniard.

Fal. What! is the old king dead?

Pist. As nail in door: the things I speak are just. 124

Fal. Away, Bardolph! saddle my horse.
Master Robert Shallow, choose what office thou
wilt in the land, 'tis thine. Pistol, I will double
charge thee with dignities. 128

Bard. O joyful day!
I would not take a knighthood for my fortune.

Pist. What! I do bring good news.

Fal. Carry Master Silence to bed. Master 132
Shallow, my Lord Shallow, be what thou wilt, I
am Fortune's steward. Get on thy boots: we'll
ride all night. O sweet Pistol! Away, Bardolph!
[Exit Bardolph.] Come, Pistol, utter more to 136
me; and withal devise something to do thyself
good. Boot, boot, Master Shallow: I know the
young king is sick for me. Let us take any
man's horses; the laws of England are at my 140
commandment. Blessed are they which have
been my friends, and woe to my lord chief

115 Bezonian: base beggar
121 fig: to thrust the thumb between two closed fingers, or into the mouth, a vulgar insult, imported from Spain
124 just: correct