Page:Henry IV Part 2 (1921) Yale.djvu/128

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The Second Part of

Pist. Let vultures vile seize on his lungs also! 144
'Where is the life that late I led?' say they:
Why, here it is: welcome these pleasant days!


Scene Four

[London. A Street]

Enter Hostess Quickly, Doll Tearsheet, and Beadles.

Host. No, thou arrant knave: I would to God
that I might die that I might have thee hanged;
thou hast drawn my shoulder out of joint.

First Bead. The constables have delivered 4
her over to me, and she shall have whipping-
cheer enough, I warrant her: there hath been a
man or two lately killed about her.

Dol. Nut-hook, nut-hook, you lie. Come on; 8
I'll tell thee what, thou damned tripe-visaged
rascal, an the child I now go with do miscarry,
thou wert better thou hadst struck thy mother,
thou paper-faced villain. 12

Host. O the Lord! that Sir John were come;
he would make this a bloody day to somebody.
But I pray God the fruit of her womb miscarry!

First Bead. If it do, you shall have a dozen 16
of cushions again; you have but eleven now.
Come, I charge you both go with me; for the man
is dead that you and Pistol beat amongst you.

Dol. I'll tell you what, you thin man in a 20
censer, I will have you as soundly swinged for

145 Quotation from another ballad

8 nut-hook: slang for beadle; cf. catchpole
20, 21 in a censer: i.e., a figure embossed on a censer
21 swinged: whipped