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The Third Part of

You are come to Sandal in a happy hour;
The army of the queen mean to besiege us. 64

Sir John. She shall not need, we'll meet her in the field.

York. What! with five thousand men?

Rich. Ay, with five hundred, father, for a need:
A woman's general; what should we fear? 68

A march afar off.

Edw. I hear their drums; let's set our men in order,
And issue forth and bid them battle straight.

York. Five men to twenty! though the odds be great,
I doubt not, uncle, of our victory. 72
Many a battle have I won in France,
When as the enemy hath been ten to one:
Why should I not now have the like success?

Alarum. Ezeunt.

Scene Three

[Field of Battle between Sandal Castle and Wakefield]

Enter Rutland, and his Tutor.

Rut. Ah, whither shall I fly to 'scape their hands?
Ah! tutor, look, where bloody Clifford comes!

Enter Clifford [and Soldiers].

Clif. Chaplain, away! thy priesthood saves thy life.
As for the brat of this accursed duke, 4
Whose father slew my father, he shall die.

Tut. And I, my lord, will bear him company.

Clif. Soldiers, away with him.

Tut. Ah! Clifford, murther not this innocent child, 8
Lest thou be hated both of God and man!

Exit [forced off by Soldiers].

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