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Henry the Fifth, I. ii

That can be with a nimble galliard won; 252
You cannot revel into dukedoms there.
He therefore sends you, meeter for your spirit,
This tun of treasure; and, in lieu of this,
Desires you let the dukedoms that you claim 256
Hear no more of you. This the Dauphin speaks.

K. Hen. What treasure, uncle?

Exe. Tennis-balls, my liege.

K. Hen. We are glad the Dauphin is so pleasant with us:
His present and your pains we thank you for:
When we have match'd our rackets to these balls, 261
We will in France, by God's grace, play a set
Shall strike his father's crown into the hazard.
Tell him he hath made a match with such a wrangler 264
That all the courts of France will be disturb'd
With chaces. And we understand him well,
How he comes o'er us with our wilder days,
Not measuring what use we made of them. 268
We never valu'd this poor seat of England;
And therefore, living hence, did give ourself
To barbarous licence; as 'tis ever common
That men are merriest when they are from home. 272
But tell the Dauphin I will keep my state,
Be like a king and show my sail of greatness
When I do rouse me in my throne of France:
For that I have laid by my majesty 276
And plodded like a man for working-days,
But I will rise there with so full a glory
That I will dazzle all the eyes of France,

252 galliard: a lively dance
254 meeter: more fitting
255 tun: a cask
in lieu of: in return for
259 pleasant: facetious
263 hazard: part of a tennis-court
266 chaces; cf. n.
267 comes o'er: taunts
269 seat: throne
270 living hence; cf. n.