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    1. 234 ##

234. Care will make a face. Ovid, Ar. Am. iii. 105: Cura dabit faciem, facies neglecta peribit.

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235. Upon Himself. Printed in Witts Recreations, 1654, under the title: On an old Batchelor, and with the variants, married for wedded, l. 3, one for a in l. 4, and Rather than mend me, blind me quite in l. 6.

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238. To the Rose. Printed in Witts Recreations, 1654, with the variants peevish for flowing in l. 4, say, if she frets, that I have bonds in l. 6, that can tame although not kill in l. 10, and now for thus in l. 11. The opening couplet is from Martial, VII. lxxxix.:—

I, felix rosa, mollibusque sertis
Nostri cinge comas Apollinaris.

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241. Upon a painted Gentlewoman. Printed in Witts Recreations, 1650, under the title, On a painted madame.

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250. Mildmay, Earl of Westmoreland. See Note to 112. According to the date of the earl's succession, this poem must have been written after 1628.

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253. He that will not love, etc. Ovid, Rem. Am. 15, 16:—

Si quis male fert indignae regna puellae,
Ne pereat nostrae sentiat artis opem.