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How she is her own least part. Ib. 344: Pars minima est ipsa puella sui, quoted by Bacon, Burton, Lyly, and Montaigne.

Printed in Witts Recreations, 1654, with the variants, 'freezing colds and fiery heats,' and 'and how she is in every part'.

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256. Had Lesbia, etc. See Catullus, Carm. iii.

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260. How violets came blue. Printed in Witts Recreations, 1654, as How the violets came blue. The first two lines read:—

"The violets, as poets tell,
With Venus wrangling went".

Other variants are did for sho'd in l. 3; Girl for Girls; you for ye; do for dare.

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264. That verse, etc. Herrick repeats this assurance in a different context in the second of his Noble Numbers, His Prayer for Absolution.

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269. The Gods to Kings the judgment give to sway. From Tacitus, Ann. vi. 8 (M. Terentius to Tiberius): Tibi summum rerum judicium dii dedere; nobis obsequi gloria relicta est.

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270. He that may sin, sins least. Ovid, Amor. III. iv. 9, 10:—

Cui peccare licet, peccat minus: ipsa potestas
Semina nequitiae languidiora facit.

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271. Upon a maid that died the day she was married. Cp. Meleager, Anth. Pal. vii. 182:

Οὐ γάμον ἀλλ' Ἀίδαν ἐπινυμφίδιον Κλεαρίστα
δέξατο παρθενίας ἅμματα λυομένα·
Ἄρτι γὰρ ἑσπέριοι νύμφας ἐπὶ δικλίσιν ἄχευν
λωτοί, καὶ θαλάμων ἐπλαταγεῦντο θύραι·
Ἠῷοι δ' ὀλολυγμὸν ἀνέκραγον, ἐκ δ' Ὑμέναιος
σιγαθεὶς γοερὸν φθέγμα μεθαρμόσατο,
Αἱ δ' αὐταὶ καὶ φέγγος ἐδᾳδούχουν παρὰ παστῷ
πεῦκαι καὶ φθιμένᾳ νέρθεν ἔφαινον ὁδόν.