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[ 14 ]

Ver. 13. The Weight of Gold that came to King Solomon in one Year, was six hundred and sixty six Talents, which is two million, two hundred and forty-seven thousand seven hundred and fifty Pound, according to the King's Talent

Ver. 15. And King Solomon made two hundred Targets of beaten Gold six hundred Shekels of Gold to one Target; in all, one hundred eighty thousand Pound

Ver 16 And three thousand Shields made of beaten Gold, three hundred Shekels went to one Shield, which, in all, comes to one hundred and thirty-five thousand Pound,

2 Chron xxv 6 He hired an hundred thousand valiant Men out of Israel for one hundred talents of Silver of the King's Talent is twenty-eight thousand one hundred and twenty five Pound.

1. Chron xxvii 8 And the Children of Ammon gave him the same Year, one hundred Talents of Silver, being common, is eighteen thousand seven hundred and fifty Pound.

2 Chron xxxvi 3 And condemn'd the land in an hundred Talents of Silver, being common, is eighteen thousand seven hundred and fifty Pound; and a Talent of Gold, common, is two thousand two hundred and fifty Pound

Jerem xxxii 9 And I weigh'd him the Money even seventeen Shekels of Silver, being common, is twenty-one Shillings and Three-pence.

Ezek xlv 12 And the Shekel shall be twenty Gerahs: A Gerah is a Penny Halfpenny,

Hosea iii 2 I bought her unto me for fifteen Pieces of Silver, thirty-seven Shillings Six- pence.
