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[ 15 ]

Here follow the Coins and Money mention'd in the Apocrypha.

And he sent to Gabel of Rages, according to some Translations, ten Pound in Silver, is thirty Pound, but, in the English Translation ten Talents being Common, is one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five Pounds.

1. Maccabees xl 42. Demetrius King of Syria, offer'd to give yearly to the Jews to the building of the Temple, fifteen thousand Shekels of Silver, being of the Sanctuary, is a thousand Minas which, at thirty-seven Shillings and Six pence the Mina, is one thousand eight hundred seventy-five Pound; and would restore what had been yearly taken away, being five thousand Shekels of Silver which, is six hundred and twenty five Pound.

1. Macab. zii 19 He sent to Tryphon one hundred Talents of Silver being Common, is, eight thousand seven hundred and fifty Pound.

2. Macab. xiv 24 Simon sent the Romans a large shield of Gold, weighing one thousand Pound, is forty thousand Pound, English Money.

2. Macab. xv 31 Or else give me for them five hundred Talents of Silver and for the other Tributes five hundred Talents, in the Whole, being common, it is one hundred eighty seven thousand five hundred Pound.

Ver 35 Yet we will give one hundred Talents to them being Silver, is eighteen thousand seven hundred and fifty Pound.

2. Macab.