Page:Historia Verdadera del Mexico profundo.djvu/197

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indigenous peoples were "legally" condemned to slavery and exploitation by means of weapons and with God’s blessing, without any right. For the first time in the history of mankind a "people and a culture" are stigmatized as inferior and slave "in nature".

Since the Columbus arrival to the Antilles, where indigenous were brutally exterminated in a few years, the conqueror first and later the colonizer, imposed their right of appropriating what did not belong to them, and in honor of this alleged right; massacre, mutilate, rape, brand, steal, enslaving and exploiting invaded peoples; justifying these actions as a "civilizing, evangelical and heroic" enterprise, as a result of a supposed religious, racial and cultural superiority.

The problem for America and Mexico is that this scheme continues to repeat itself, thanks to many form changes, but the basic social, cultural, economic and political relations remain the same from the 16th to the 21st century.

“In the year one thousand and five hundred and seventeen the New Spain was discovered, and in the discovery were major scandals occurred in the indians and some deaths by those who discovered. In the year one thousand and five hundred and eighteen the so called christians went to steal and kill them, although they say they are going to repopulate. And since this eighteen year until today, we are in the year of one thousand five hundred and forty-two, has overflowed and reached its height all iniquity, all injustice, all violence and tyranny of christians who have done in the Indies, because all they have lost all fear God and the king, and they have forgotten themselves. Because they are so many and such the ravages and cruelties, massacres and destructions, population decimation, theft, violence and tyranny, and in so many and such kingdoms of Firm Land, that all the things we have said are nothing in comparison with what was made; because although we say all, which are endless what we do not say, they are not comparable either in number or in severity to those made from this year of one thousand five hundred and eighteen and committed to this day and year of one thousand five hundred and forty-two, and today, on this day of the month of