Page:Historia Verdadera del Mexico profundo.djvu/211

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“Immediately surrounded those who danced, they rush to the place of the atabales [drums]: gave one blow to the one who was drumming: cut both of his arms. Then beheaded him: his severed head fell far away.

Suddenly knifed those dancing, lanced people and slashed them, with swords hurt them. Some were attacked form behind; immediately their heads fell; their heads were sliced, their heads were entirely cut to pieces.

But others were cut in their shoulders: made cracks, their bodies were torn apart. Those hurt in the thighs, this in the calves, over there in the abdomen. All their bowels fell on the ground. And there were some still running in vain: they were dragging their intestines and seemed to tangle in their feet. Anxiously to get to a safe place, did not know where to go.

Some therefore tried to leave: there at the entrance were hurt, were knifed. Others climbed the walls; but could not save themselves. Others mixed among the dead, pretended to be dead and escaped. But if one stood up, they saw him and were knifed.

The warriors’ blood ran as if it was water: such as standing water, and the stench of blood rose into the air, and of the bowels that appeared to crawl.

And the spaniards walked all over in search of the community homes: they threw strikes all over, searching for things: in case anyone was hiding there" (Sahagún informers).

In the following indigenous report is a subtle sample of massacres made by the spaniards. This was the big mistake of the spaniards, because many of the mexicas from the first moment wanted to exterminate the spaniards, above all, the Huitzilopochtli fans, but the Tlatócan did not allow it. But when they realized the townspeople massacre, people reacted strongly and went for weapons.

"And when it was learned outside, shouting began: Captains, mexicans... come here! That all armed should come: your insignias, shields, darts! ... Come here quickly, run: the captains are dead,