Page:Historia Verdadera del Mexico profundo.djvu/212

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our warriors are killed!... they have been annihilated, oh mexican captains!

Then the roar was heard, screaming rose up, and the shriek of the people who beat the lips. At the time were grouped, all captains, as if they had been cited: brought their darts, their shields. Then the battle begins: threw darts, with arrows and even javelins, with bird hunting harpoons. And threw their javelins furious and hasty. As if a yellow layer, the reeds are tended on the Spaniards." (Sahagún informants).

The spaniards then took refuge in the Moctezuma house and put shackles on him. Still surrounded the invaders under the command of Alvarado, says the spanish written history, Cortés returned and tamely let him enter the encirclement. That the city was deserted and entered without any problem.

This is really impossible to believe and illogical. It is difficult to then explain why Cortes, immediately after arriving in the city center, tries to get out of the encirclement. All Tenochtitlan was on war and the Tlatócan, had deposed Moctezuma and appointed Cuitláhuac replacing him as the new Tlatoani. It is a lie that the mexicas let Cortes enter the city, as on the streets he was an easy military target.

The logical thing to assume is that Cortés "defeated" Narvaez and returning to the city of Tenochtitlan, he himself ordered the killing. Absurd carnage, because as is known, in the first place, Moctezuma himself swore obedience to the spaniards, and secondly; for the anahuacas gold did not have the same value it did for the spaniards; so it would have sufficed that spaniards had asked for the gold, and probably all would have handed it over without resistance.

The “Noche Triste” mystery.

Either way, the spaniards besieged and Moctezuma deposed by the Tlatócan, the mexicas had surrounded the spaniards and their allies. Cortés tried to escape over night during a strong storm, when they were discovered, attacked and decimated, in the famous battle of "La