Page:Historia Verdadera del Mexico profundo.djvu/218

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violent, explosive, other permanent, underground and silently, but the resistance will always be present in these five centuries of colonial occupation.

The Great Chichimeca war, during the colonial period. The multiple indigenous rebellions by the Maya and Yaquis in the 19th century and early 20th Centuries are the most famous, but not necessarily the only or the most important. The official creole history, banned and undervalued regional histories. Within them are many indigenous rebellions. Generally very violent and bloody, but without a regional organization of greater transcendence. They were generally stifled with blood and fire, with the full power of the State and the rebels wiped out with unprecedented brutality, in the same way it as done by their predecessors during the invasion and conquest.

The Interesting and novelty of the revolt of the indigenous Maya of Chiapas and the National Liberation Zapatista Army in 1994, is that it was an armed insurrection that declares war on the federal government, but did not fight. The second is that, for the first time in these five centuries of colonial invasion, indigenous peoples have sought to extend their uprising to other indigenous peoples and are linked with to non-indigenous civil society, as well as giving an international character to their struggle.

Crime against Humanity.

The cosmic stability and social harmony in which they had lived, at least during three thousand years were broken violently. The universe and the world suddenly collapsed. After possessing human being qualities, of living as sovereign and free people, being heirs of a civilization of more than seven thousand years, the natives violently and suddenly were lowered to an animal quality. Their new condition was to be defeated and slaves. Their religion, language and culture, became persecuted and denied.