Page:Historia Verdadera del Mexico profundo.djvu/219

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"After the fall of the gods and the cosmic order going mad, came the disruption of human order, the violent conversion of the lords of the land to servers of the conquerors, and alteration of their traditions and ways of life. Violence and change replaced the stability of the old order, so that the daily explosion of violence heightened the feeling of living an alteration of time, a "crazy time, "a total cataclysmic era...". (Enrique Florescano. 1987)

The contemporary Mexicans, as a consequence of the mental and cultural colonization experienced over these five centuries, cannot fully dimension the size of the tragedy lived by our ancestors and what has meant and means for us as people and as human beings. And by the effect of the colonized education, apparently we do not care. The formal education system, the mass media, intellectuals, artists and researchers are so deformed, that some reinforce colonization and the others do not have the capacity to break the inertia of mental colonization. But this "hecatomb" totally shocked the indigenous world known before the invasion, the world of our grandfathers old and continues to brand us up to our days.

Other peoples in the history of humankind have suffered similar cataclysms and with the passage of time have managed to recover. Whether caused by human acts or by nature. But the substantial difference with our people was the viciously brutality, inhumane violence and absolute intolerance, with which first the conquerors and then the colonialist have systematically destroyed the culture and the identity of the defeated through erasing their historical memory, disappearing languages, minimizing and undervaluing their knowledge, depriving them of physical spaces, sacred, religious, and social and destroy and persecute their ancient religion, killing their priests and destroy their temples. Never in mankind history, has been removed from people, for five centuries, their status as human beings and their culture. This drama didn't happen five centuries ago, unfortunately is everyday life in the national life of many Mexicans. Now nuanced and subliminal, but with the same