Page:Historic highways of America (Volume 6).djvu/107

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high Spirits & much rejoiced on our arrival"[1]

Colonel Henderson (as the leader of the Transylvania Colony is best known) arrived at Boonesborough one day after the outbreak of the Revolutionary struggle at Lexington and Concord, and on his own fortieth birthday.

A clearer glimpse of the fortunes of this company of pilgrims who followed in Boone's wake is preserved for us in the journal kept by William Calk, who was with Hart's party that Henderson met at Martin's cabin on the second of April. The original manuscript is in the possession of the family of the late Mr. Thomas Calk, near Mt. Sterling, Kentucky.

It reads:

"1775 Mond. 13th—I set out from prince wm. to travel to caintuck on tueſday Night our company all got together at Mr. Priſes on rapadan which was Abraham hanks[2] philip Drake Eaneck Smith Robert Whitledge & my Self, thear Abrams Dogs leg got Broke By Drake's Dog.

  1. Draper Collection: Kentucky MSS. vol. 1.
  2. The maternal grandfather of Abraham Lincoln.