Page:Historic highways of America (Volume 6).djvu/108

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Wedns. 15th,—We started early from priſes made a good Days travel & lodge this night at Mr. Cars on North fork James River.

Thurs. 16th,—We started early it raind Chief part of the Day Snowd in the Eavening very hard & was very Coald we traveld all Day & got to Mr. Blacks at the foot of the Blue Ridge.

fryd. 17th—We start early croſs the Ridge the wind Blows very hard & cold and lodge at James loyls.

Satrd. 18th—We git this Day to William Anderſons at Crows ferrey & there we Stay till monday morning.

Mond. 20th—We start early croſs the fery and lodge this night at Wm. Adamſes on the head of Catauby.

tueſd. 21st—We start early and git over pepers ferey on new river & lodge at pepers this night.

Wedns 22d—We start early and git to foart Chiſsel whear we git some good loaf Bread & good whiſkey.

thurs 23d—we start early & travel till a good while in the Night and git to major Cammels on holſton River.