Page:Historic highways of America (Volume 6).djvu/113

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Capt. hart comes up with his packs & there they hide some of thier lead to lighten thier packs that they may travel faster.

tueſday 11th—this is a very loury morning & like for Rain But we all agree to start Early we croſs Cumberland River & travel Down it about 10 miles through Some turrabel cainbrakes as we went down abrams mair ran into the River with Her load & Swam over he folowd her & got on her & made her Swim Back agin it is a very raney Eavening we take up Camp near Richland Creek they kill a beef Mr. Drake Bakes Bread without waſhing his hands we Keep Sentry this Night for fear of the indians.

Wedneſday 12th this is a Raney morning But we pack up & go on we come to Richland Creek it is high we toat our packs over on a tree & swim our horſes over & there we meet another Companey going Back they tell such News Abram & Drake is afraid to go aney further there we camp this night.

thurſday 13th this morning the weather Seems to breake & Be fair Abram & Drake turn Back we go on & git to loral River we