Page:Historic highways of America (Volume 6).djvu/114

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come to a creek Before wheare we are able to unload & toate our packs over on a log this day we meet about 20 more turning Back we are obligd to toat our packs over loral river & swim our horſes one hors Ran in with his pack & loſt it in the River & they got it agin.

fryday 14th—this is a clear morning with a smart froſt we go on & have a very mire Road and camp this Night on a creek of loral River and are surprisd at camp By a wolf.

Satterday 15th clear with a Small froſt we start early we meet Some men that turns & goes With us we travel this Day through the plais caled the Breſsh & croſs Rockcaſs River & camp ther this Night & have fine food for our horſes.

sunday 16th—cloudy & warm we start early & go on about 2 mile down the River and then turn up a creek that we croſt about 50 times Some very bad foards with a great Deal of very good land on it in the Eavening we git over to the waters of Caintuck & go a littel Down the creek & there we camp keep sentry the forepart of the night it Rains very har all night.