Page:Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania, Containing a Concise History of the Two Counties and a Genealogical and Biographical Record of Representative Families.pdf/106

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76 U ClSTtm



  • John K . Robbins
  • J . B. M c K d v e r
  • H . W . M cR eya old s
  • Jacob Schuyler

ohn C. Rutter •W im a m M . R eb ef B. F . G ardner la a ia h W .W iU its L u th er B. K lin e •T h om a s J. Sw isher A le x a n d e r B. M cC rea •G eo rg e L Reagan t P . W . R edeker A lfr e d P . Stoddard J. Jordan B row n ^Thom as C M cH en ry t R a lc ^ M . U ih e U •D . H . M on lgom ery

  • ohn B. Patton
  • osiab Snath

. R . M on tgom ery • A b ia P . H e lle r •P iu s Zim m erm an •J. H . Vastine •C harles C. W illits t jo h n W . C ar others • L A . S h a ttu ^ Charles T Steck

  • J ^ n G . Scballer

•Sam uel A . Gibson G e o rg e L Jolly J. C . W intersteen N . J. Hendershott Isaac L Edw ards Isaac E . Patterson • W illia m B. Robbins D a vid £ . Krebs •F ra n k P . H ill tE v e re tt W . R u tter J. R . G ordner B. F . Sbarpless tC hrlstian Leuker •J / R . M . Evans •O . A . M c n r g e lt ♦L ou is J. Adam s ♦John C Fruit H o n o ra A . Robbins A m b rose Shuman John H . Bowm an R a l ^ F . M ille r C r . A ltm ille r D elbert M . H e u J. B. F ollm er John S. H o ffa A lle n V . Carl E . A . Atlem an J. S. Laaarus Frank R . C lark Jesse W . G ordner G eorge F . Drum • Ir v in g C . Breeee Samuel B. Arm ent H o w a rd S. Christian J. F . P fa h lc r J. Stacy John I. R . W o ffc



Rrsidtnce Catawissa Bloom sburg Bloom sburg B loom sburg Bloom sburg Bloom sburg Bloom sburg Bloom sburg Catawissa Jerseytow n

&rw)ck B erw ick


O ra n g eville Bloom sburg Benton Centralia M ifflin ville M illv ille B erw ick Bloom sburg M illviU e N um idia Catawissa Catawissa B erw ick Bloom sburg B erw ick Rohrsburg B erw ick


Nunudia Bloom sburg Benton Benton Catawissa L ig h t Street B erw ick B erw ick B erw ick Catawissa Budchorn Bloom sburg O ra n geville E van sville Jerseytown Bloom sburg Catawissa B erw id t Bloom sburg Bloom sburg Rohrsburg B erw ick Benton K u m idia B erw ick Bloom sburg B erw ick Jersnrtown M ifflin ville B loom sburg Bloom sburg M illv ille B erw ick Bloom sburg Espy

D ifhm c M arch A p r il A p r il M ^h M arch M arch M arch M arch M arch M arch Tune June, M arch M arch M arch M arch

to^ 8» 8, 7, 3* 10, 11* ii, 9^ lO,

184a tS ^ 18^ 1843 i8|S 1803 i86t 1875 18^ 186a ip 186$ 1865 sa* 1878 1^ ia » 1870 30, 197^

M arch 10, 185a Feb. 23, tSSp

Institution Jefferson M ed ical C o llege U n iversity o f Peoosylvan ia U n iversity o f P eoosylvan ia Pennsylvania M ed ical C ollege H om eopathic M edical effersoo M ed ical C ollege led ica l C otlcge o f V irg in ia Jefferson M ed ical C ollege Jefferson M edical C o l l i e B ellevu e H ospital M edical C ollege L o ^ Island H ospital U n iversity o f V erm on t efferson M edical C ollege lalm em aon M edical C o llege efferson M edical C o llege 'D iversity o f Pennsylvania


J {

M arch 13, Feb. aa. A p ril a, M arch, M arch 30, A p r il 13, M ay 6, M arch 38 ,

Philadelphia C ollege Philadelphia U n iversity U n iversity o f Peaosylvania Jefferson M ed ical C ollege E clectic M ed ical C ollege

  • effcrson M ed ical C o llege

effcrson M ed ical C o llege efferson M ed ical C ollege /Diversity o f Permsvlvanta H d ectic M ed ical C o llege U n iversity o f Pennsylvania

M arch A p ril

Jefferson M ed ical C ollege Jefferson M edical C ollege

M a r d i 11, M arch la. M arch la, M arch 3. M arch M arch

Jefferson M edical C ollege Jefferson M edical C o llege Jefferson M edical C o l l i e Pennsylvania M edical C o llege Jefferson M edical C ollege rtahnemann M edical C ollege

M arch M arch M arch ^ e larch M arch

Ie ffe rs o o M edical C ollege U n iversity o f Pennsylvania Jefferson M ed ical C ollege Castletofi M edical, V erm on t efferson M c d k a l C ollege effcrson M edical C ^ k g e /njversjty o f Pennsylvania U n iversity o f Pennsylvania U n iversity o f Pennsylvania U n iversity o f Pennsylvania M cdiccKChirurgical Physicians and Surgeons, Baltim ore Physicians and Surgeons, Baltim ore M ed ico®Ch i ru rgicaJ M edico®Chirurgical Medico® ChirurgicaJ lefferson M edical C ollege Hahnem ann M edical C ^ e g e effersoo M edical C ollege

  • n tycrsi^ o f B altim ore

M ed ico *Chi r u rgical Jefferson M edical C ollege Physicians and Surgeons. B altim ore U n iversity o f Pennsylvania Jefferson M edical C ollege

^ r il





M ay

33, 2880 la, 1877 $, 1859 15, 1859 10, 1877 y* 1857


unc f^ a y i

I* 1 5 . 1904 25. tpoi

M ay

  • 3, 1903


M arch, A p r il 7, June. A p ril t4,

2868 1891 1909 1900

M arch 10^ 1877 M arch 15* 1 8 ^ June,



• Deceased, t Rem oved.
