Page:Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania, Containing a Concise History of the Two Counties and a Genealogical and Biographical Record of Representative Families.pdf/108

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This military company, belonging especially to Danville, but famous all over Columbia county by its service in two wars, w as organ­ ized at Danville in 18 17 . A t the breaking out of the Mexican w ar it was under the com­ mand o f Capt. John S . Wilson, and its offer o f assistance being accepted was mustered into the United States service Dec. 28, 1846. A number o f citizens of the county escorted the Guards as fa r as Pittsburgh, on their way to the scat o f war, and all along the journey (hey met with a continuous ovation. They were placed in the 2d Regiment, Pennsyl­ vania Volunteers, then commanded by Colo­ nel Wyncoop, and later under Colonel Geary, aftcnvarUs governor o f I’cnnsylvania. Captain Wilson died at V era Cruz on .pril to, 1847, attfl the command devolved upon Dr. C. H. Frick, who gallantly led the Guards during the campaign. Their first engagement w as at the storming of V era Cruz, and the second at Cerro Gordo, where they lost one man. John Smith. A t the l«ttlc o f Chapultcpcc they lost two men, William Dietrich and John Snyder. On approaching the City o f Mexico, the defense of San .Angelo, with all of the m ilitaiy stores, was committed to the Guards, and on the t^lh o f September, 1847. they were among the first to enter the C ity o f .Mexico in triumph. T he Guards rctumcd to Danville on Ju ly 28, 1840, and the whole town turned out to welcome them. Hundreds o f persons from all over the county thronged the streets, and such a demonstration as was then made has never been seen in Danville before or since. T he Guards ke H their organization until the opening of the C ivil w ar, when they e n tc r ^ the scr'ice under Capt. O scar Ephlin. On the expiration of their term they were honorably discharged, and the company then disliandcd. T h e following is the muster roll of the Guards soon a fte r their organization (sec Chapter IV, Montour county, fo r list o f those in M exican w a r). John S . Wilson, captain; Clarence H. Frick, first lieutenant: Edward E . LaClerc, second lieutenant; William Brindlc, second lieuten­ ant : George S. Kline, first sergeant; Jam es D. Slater, second sergeant; Robert G a rk, third sergeant; Charles Rvan.s. fourth sergeant; John Adams, first corporal; Jam es O liver, sec­ ond corporal; John Smith, third corporal; A rthur Gearhart, fourth corporal; Thomas Clark, drum m er; Jesse G . Clark, fifcr.

The private soldiers w ere: Charles W. .Adams, .Alvin M. Allen, Jacob App, George W. Armstrong. Frederick Brandt, Samuel Hums. Elam B . Bonham, W illiam Banghart, John Birkenbine, Samuel D. Baker, Francis Bower, Francis B . Best, W illiam Brunner, William H. Birchficid, Randolph Ball, I’etcr Brobst, A bram B. Carlcy, .Michael Corrigan, Wm. D ctcrich (D ietrich), Wm. Erie, Daniel S. Follm cr, Charles W. Fortner. Robert H . Forster, Sewell Gibbs, Edw ard Grove, George Gam er, Thomas Graham, Shepherd W. Girton, Samuel Huntingdon, Adam H cislcr, H enry Hcm castle, O liver Hclmc, William S . K ertz, W illiam K ing, Jerom e Konklc, Charles Lytle, Ira Low nsbcrry, Robert Lyon, John A . L o w ­ ery, Benjamin l.aform, Benjamin J . Martin. Jasp er Musselmaii, Edward McGonnel. George Milter, W illiam Moser, .Archibald Mooney, Mahlon K . M anly. Jolin G . .Mellon, A lex. McDonald, Daniel M artial, Richard H . McK ean, Charles Moynthan, Robert McAlmont, Hugh M cFadden, Jam es McClelland, N or­ man B . Mack. William McDonald, Casper Oatcnwcldcr, Daniel Poorman, Peter S . Reed, Philip Rake, Jam es .A. Stewart, Peter M. Space, Jona R . Sanders, O liver C. Stevens, Daniel Snyder, Edw ard Selcr, Peter Seigfried, John C. Snyder, John N . Scofield. W il­ liam Sw artz. Joseph Stratton, W illiam W. Sawaiiey, John A . Sarvey, Benjamin Tumblelon. Adam W ray. W illiam W hite. George W agner, Jacob W illet, Jerom e W alker, George W ingar, Peter W. Y am cll. CIVIL W.R

Abraham Lincoln w'as inaugurated Presi­ dent of the United States March 4, i8 6 t. Fort .Sumter was fired on A pril 12th, and on the 15th o f that month the President called on the loyal States fo r 75.000 men. Calls and orders were subsequently issued, under dates o f M ay 3d . Ju ly 2zd and Ju ly 25th. fo r an aggregate o f 500.000 men. On the 2d of Ju ly, 1862. there was another call fo r 500.000 men, and on the 4th o f August one for 300,000. On Sept. 5, 1862. the Confederates invaded Maryland, and a levy c« masse was called in Pennsylvania. On Sept. 15th a large number o f emergency men” left Bloomsburg, and 00 the 17th the battle o f .Antietam was fought. On the i8th the Confederates evacuated Sharpsbutg and rccrosscd the Potomac, and on the 22(1 more “ emergency men” left Bloomsburg. On Ju n e 15 . 1863, a proclamation w as made