Page:Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania, Containing a Concise History of the Two Counties and a Genealogical and Biographical Record of Representative Families.pdf/162

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COLUMBIA AND MONTOUR COUNTIES organized Washington Lodge, No. 265. F . & A . M ., w hkh is still in successful existence, holding its meetings in the Cathedral. T he Scottish R ite bodies o f Freemasonry w ere organized in Bloomsbuig M ay 19, 1865. Conspicuous among the fourteen charter mem­ b e rs were Christian Frederick Knapp, 3 J - , E lish a W . M . Low, 3 2 -, and Jonathan Rose Dim m, 3 2 *; D r. Dimm, now president-emeri­ tus o f Susquehanna University, at Selinsg ro v e, being the only surviving charter member. These bodies have a membership of o v e r twelve hundred and occupy their own building, known as Caldwell Coiisistory Ca­ thedral. T h e Cathedral is located on Market Square, a building which, with its complete appoint­ m ents, is the pride o f Bloomsburg, as it might w ell o f a much larger city. It is a threesto ry brick with brownstonc trimmings. On the first floor is a large entrance hall, with w id e stairs at the back leading to the second floor. On either side o f this hall arc the room s of the Craftsm an Club, which include reception rooms, reading rooms, card room and billiard room, with all modem conveniences. B a c k of these arc an immense banquet hall, capable of seating five hundred or more per­ sons at the tables, and a kitchen fully equipped w ith all (he accessories necessary to pre­ p are a meal for so large a number. T h e auditorium or lodge room is on the sec­ ond floor. It has a gallery around the sides an d one end, and a perfectly arranged stage w ith beautiful scenery, .and electric lighu of variou s colors. T his floor also contains cloak room s, office rooms and a large reception room. T h e building is used exclusively for Masonic purposes. A t one time Washington Lodge. No. 265, F . & A . M ., occupied rooms in the building now owned by Moyer Brothers on Main street, below Market Square. When J . J . Brow er erected the thrcc-story b rk k budding cast of the courthouse, now owned by Paul E . W irt, the Masons moved to its third floor and re­ mained there until the completion of the Cathedral. P rio r to 1906 the growth of the order had made lai^er and more commodious quarters imperative, and various locations were consid­ ered fo r the erection o f a temple. In January, 1906. purchase w as made of the property then owned by the Young Men’s Q iristian Associa­ tion. form erly fo r many ycar^ the home of William Neal. Plans were procured for a building that would cover the entire lot. The work o f demolishing the old building w as soon


begun, and the foundation walls progressed so that the laying of the cornerstone took place on Ju n e 14, 1 9 ^, with impressive ceremonies conducted by Right W orshipful Grand M aster George W . Kendrick, J r . Other members of the Grand Lodge who were present w ere: Deputy Grand M aster George B . Orlady, Senior Grand W arden George W. Guthrie, Ju n io r Grand W arden W. C . Gorgas, Grand T reasurer Thom as R . Patton, Grand Secretary William A . Sinn. T h e foiiowing w as the or­ der o f ceremonies: F o r m a t io .v a t L o d g e R o o m, i i :3 o A . M. O p e n i n g P r a y e r, Grand Ckoplom. M u sic, “ S p i r i t o f P o w e r a n d M i g h t, ”

C aldw ell Choir. P r o c l a m a t i o n, Grand Marshal. A d d ress t o R . W . G ra n d M a s te r ,

Chairtnan o f B uilding Commiitee. iNvocATtoN, Grand Chaplain. D e p o s i t o p B o x i n C o r n e r s t o n e, Grand Treasurer. L i s t o f A r t i c l e s DEPOsrrEn, Grand Secre­ tary. M u s ic, “ W h o E n t f s i s H e r e, ” Caldwell Choir. P r e p a r a t io n

fo r

L a y in g

C o rn ersto n e,

R w A l W orshipful Grand A/oj/er. P l u m b, L e v e l a n d S o u a r e, Grand Officers. C o r n e r s t o n e P l a c e d i n P o s i t i o n, Right W orshipful Grand M aster and Grand Officers. M u s ic, “ G r e a t A r c h i t f x t , e n l y K i n g, " C aldw ell Choir. C o rn e rs to n e L a id , R ight


H eav­

W orshipful

Grand Master. M u s ic, “ S h i n e o n O u r S o u ls, "



& Ou., Grand Officers. M u sic, G oo Is M y S t r o n g S a l v a t i o n, ” Caldtvell Choir. P R E -S E N T A T I O N O F A R C H I T E C T, Chairman o f Building Committee. CoR.N, W i n e

M u s ic, H v m n, “ J e r u s a l e m t h e G o l d e n, ”

C aldw ell Choir. P r o c l a m a t i o n, Grand Marshal. O r a t i o n, J . H enry Williams. C h o r u s, “ G l o r i o u s T h i n g s o r T h e e ,'^rf. S p o k e n ,” C aldw ell Choir. B e n e d i c t i o n, Grand Chaplain. C h a n t, “ S o M o t e I t B e, " C aldw ell Choir.

T he building w as completed in September, 1907. and the dedication of the Cathedral took place on the 34th. 25th and 26th o f that month. On Tuesday morning, the 24th, the opening services were held. In the Lodge of Perfection. H . A. M cK illip presiding, the re­ port o f Architect Reitm yer w as read, followed