Page:Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania, Containing a Concise History of the Two Counties and a Genealogical and Biographical Record of Representative Families.pdf/328

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his son, Edw ard H . Baldy, and then by his scription schooU. H e learned the cabinet­ grandson, William J . Baldy. who at present maker's trade and followed tt fo r many years, holds that position. Pctbr Kaldy was a mem­ but from 1840 was engaged in house and orna­ ber of the Protestant Episcopal Church of mental sign painting. Tie. too. served fo r a Danville from the time o f its organization, and number o f years os justice of the peace, He by his influence and means did much to btiild was s u r v iv ^ by (wo children, Harriet, widow up and strengthen that branch o f religious o f Jonathan W aters, who is now* dead, and work. B y his will he left fifty thousand dol­ Emm a, w ife o f Jc^ n Y orgy. lars to his executors to be used as a memorial pLTiJt B r ig u t w as bom at Reading. Pa.. for himself and wife, which amount the execu­ Nov. 2 1, i8 o t. H e was the son o f David tors used in building the present handsome Bright and grandson o f Michael Bright, Jr .. and stately church which stands on the site who served in the Continental army during o f (he old one. M r. Baldy died Nov. 24, 1 ^, the Revolutionary war. His great-grand­ aged ninct)'-two years. father, Michael Bright (o r Brecht), emigrated I s a a c R a n k w as bom M ay to. 1 8 1 1, in from the Palatinate to .America in 1728. Peter White Deer* Union Co.. Pa. Hts i>arents, Bright married M ao ' Evans in December, Isaac and Rebecca Rank, were from Lan­ 1827. David Bright, father o f Peter Bright, caster county and w*cre among the first settlers and Philip T . Evans, father o f Mrs. Bright, o f Union county. IIc w as the seventh in a purchased together the land in *allcy tow*nfam ily o f thirteen children. In the spring o f ship known then as the "‘Strawbridgc Farm ,’* 1832 he movMl to Danville and established and presented it to the young couple, who in himself in business as a blacksmith and car­ March. 1834, moved upon it and there happily riage manufacturer, at the corner o f Mill and lived and reared a fam ily o f strong, substan­ Mahoning streets, opposite the present Opera tial men and women, men and women the like liouse. He also engaged in boating and in ^of which are alw ays the bone and sinew of the the manufacture o f lumber. M r. Rank was communities in which they live. Peter Bright prominent in public improvements, was chief W'as a farm er and a most successful one. In burgess of Danville in i86o, and afterw ards the early days, white living in Reading, he did sers'cd the community as councilman. For considerable teaming, sometimes hauling many years he was a justice o f (he peace. freight from Philadelphia to Pittsburgh. A t He was strictly (cmperaie in his habits and one time among his freight was a .sack o f h alfennics from the mint in (^ibd clphia, which lived to a ripe old age. dying in March. 1 ^ 3 . leaving to sur>*ive him the following children: e distributed to the tollgate keepers along Norman Leslie, bum Aug. 2, 18 3 5; Ellis the turnpike. H is moving from Reading to llu gh es. born Aug. 10. 18 3 7; M aiy Elizabeth, the Valley township farm in 1834 w as done bom June 2 1, (841. married to Stephen John­ in three big four-horsc "Conestoga” wagons son; Anna R ., l>orn Feb. 23, David and a "D earborn.” in which the ramily r ^ e . Hayes, l>orn Feb. 5, 1847. M r. Bright was a quiet, studious, well-read, H. B. D. SECHi.rjt was boni on W ater intelligent and busy fanner. He lived on this street. Danville. Ja n . 2f>. i8o8. He was the farm from 1834 until his death, which o c­ son o f Rudolph and Susanna Sechler. His curred Dec. I, 1882. H is widow then moved father was a blacksmith in early and middle to Danville, where she died M ay 8. (894. life, later was (>ostmastcr o f Danville, and Peter Bright left surv'iving him the following later still was register and reconlcr o f Co­ children: Kel>ecca, who married Emanuel lumbia county, serving several years. In Sidler and who died in Danville in 190 8; i82t he was appointed justice of the peace Iliram, who marrietl Khoda Butler and who ami served umil 1845. John Frazier, in his for many years has resided in Rosw'cll, Ind. Recollections o f I)anville, says o f Rudolph ( he was a member o f Company B, 72d R a i ­ Scchlcr: " I never knew a more honest man ment. Indiana N'olunteers, in the Civil war. than M r. Sechler. With him it w'as innate. later was transferrer] to Company F, 44th Me could not be othcnvise than honest, His *oUmtccr Infantr>*. and was discharged tn countenance, his actions, his w*on!s. in short, .August, 18 6 5 ) : Dennis, who married Lucy M. everything alxiut him. proclaimed his sterling Rea, and who dicrl in Danville in 19 10 ( b c n integrity; and what gave a charm to it, he was nis Bright enlisted, A pril. 18 6 1, in the 15th quite unconscious o f his l>cing more honest Indiana 'oIunteers. and was wounded at Rich than other men.” The son seemed to have in­ Mountain, A 'a.: later he was promoted and herited these traits of the father. H e was servorl on the staff o f Brigadier General W ag­ reared in Danville and educated at the sub­ ner in General Bucirs division; was again in-