Page:Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania, Containing a Concise History of the Two Counties and a Genealogical and Biographical Record of Representative Families.pdf/343

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COLUMBIA AND MONTOUR COUNTIES 132c! P . William L . Sn yd er; Conrad S . A ten , A , 13 2 a P. V .; H enry J . Atcn, band, lOfilh P. V .; Oeorge Dean, band, 6th P. V .; Wellington K lasc. A , l i i d P. Daniel K lase , A , I32d P. V’ .; William K e lly ; Jacob M oyer. A . I32d P. V . ; Samuel A. M ills, band, 6th Pa. Rcscn-cs; William .Milting, yih P. V’ . ; Thomas Morrall, H . 93d P .  ; Sharps M . Snyder, A , I32d P . V .; la m e s D. Ray, A , I32 d P. V*.; Benjamin 1*. llagcnhach, tend, 6th Pa. R eserves; David Ross, L , 12th P. V . ; Jo h n W are, A , 132 a P . V .; Joseph L. Frame, to n d , 93d P. V .; Hiram Kggert, 13 2 a P. V . ; Kdward M ilward, G , 7"th P. V .; George C . Williams, E . 6lh Pa. R eserves; Henry I^aland, H . 93d P . V .; D. A . Lalan d; Lieut. W illiam Roberts, (j, 109th P. V .; Lieut. A bra­ ham I,ang. I. 109th P. V .; Jam es Jones, A, i3 2 d P. V .; William Williams, 1. 12th P . V .; W illiam Watts, 1, lath P. V .; Joseph Fenstcrn u chcr, H , 93d P. V .; Frederick Brodt. H, 93d P. '. : J . Houpt, 49th P. E . D. Smith, A , I32d P. V .; Corporal N . Ferrce Lightner, A . I32d P. V .; S . P. Harder, F , Matthew’s B a t t e r y ; 0 . D. llard e r, 1 1,9 3 d P . V .; John T. H ow e. H , 93d P . V .; Charles W. Sholcs, H, 93d P. V’ .; George E. Hunt. 93d P. V .; C harles Savage. J r .. F . Matthew's Batter)-; Joseph D. Miller, H. 93d P. Samuel Hibler. I L 7th P . V . ; John V. Hibler. S4lh P. V . ; Edw in l.ockart. E . 6lh Pa. R eserves: George Yeom ans, suigeon. 23d Pa. Rcser-es; Hcrbcr I’ainler. 1. 58th P. R . ; G utlqi Kcrchcr, E , 6th P . R .; Jam es Hilt. P.

George Archer, E ,

74th P. Henry II. Lciscnring, El. 93d P . V .; Alexander Culp, artillery, 93d P. V .; Jam es G. Moore, I). 84th P. ’ . ; l.icut. G . W'. V angilder, A , »32d P. V .; Jolm Stewart, H . 93d r . V .; Samuel Kerst. H . 93d P. V .; W il­ liam Stephnagle. H . 93d P. V . : Charles Stcphnagic, H. 93d 1’ . V .; J . W Flannagan. H . 93d P. V .; Joseph Gross. E , ist P. V'.; M arks W ise, I. I2lh P. V’ .; Jacob Stierring, H . 93d P. V '.; A lfred Reynolds, II, 93d P . V'.; Capt. .Alexander J . Frick, D, 84th P . V .; Capt. William M . M cClure. F . ii2 tli P. V .: Lieut. S . D. Strawbriilge, F , 112th P. V . ; P u rsiva! Miller. H. 93d P. V '.; Thomas M ax­ well. .A, ira d P . V '.: Robert D. Magill, ste w a rd : Jo 1in G . Moore, band. 5th Pa. R e­ se rv e s; Christopher W'oods, band, 6(h Pa. R e­ se rv e s; Simon Derlacher, H, 6ih P. R . ; Joseph Rose. E . 6th P. R .; .Abner II. Brown, band. 6th P. R .: William Ackey. E . 6(h P. R .; I Ieorge Deen, E . 6th P, R . ; M. B . Johnson, K, 6th P. R . ; George H ughes; Samuel May. I.iiHesloHc T outtshif— John T . .Newcomer. Company D, 71I1 Pennsylvania Volunteers;


F . J . Newcomer, D , 7th P. ’. ; Martin K eifer, D. 7th P. V .; W illiam Dinkle, C . 3d P . V .; William F in k ; David W erlty, 13 1s t P . V .; Charles F . Bennett, U. S . R egu lars; Luke S. Brass, K , 95th P . V .; Charles E . W'agncr, D, 7th P. V .; Hiram Werinian. D, 7th P. V .; Jacob Smith, 13 1st P . V'.; William K eifer, D, 7th P . V .; T honus K crstcller; Daniel G . D il­ dine, D, 7th P. Jacob O. Caklwcll, H , 5th P. V .; Conrad Springer, E , 6ih Pa. R eserves; Daniel F . W agoner, l>, 7th P . V .; Samuel V. Dye, A , I32d P . V .; Charles lialHet, D , 7U1 P. V .; Daniel, D , 7th P . Jam es Br)-son, captain, D, 7th P . V . ; W. Caldwell. D, 7th P . V . : Jacob Uallicl, 1), 71I1 P . V .; Jo.scph D. Fulton, D, 7th P. V .; — Cam than, D, 7th P. V .; C . W. Fitisim m ons, A , I32d P. L ib erty T o u iu h ip— Charles F . Bennett. Company E , 12th R egulars; Reulien Bennett, E , i2ih R egulars; William C. Best, H . 53d Pennsylvania 'oluntcers; J . P . Bare, F, 112th P. V .; Martin Bower, K , 5 1st I*. V’ .; John M cElrath. F , M2th P. '. ; Roliert Curry, I32d P. V .; William Clark. F . 112th P . V .; Jacob Hendrickson. i2 ls t P . V .; Emanuel K ertz; Jacob Johnston, E . 6th P. V .; Jacob Long, .A, I32d P. V .; John Marshall, F , 112th P. V .; lam es I.. Miller, H , 53d P. V .; C M arslull, K, 6ih P a. Reserves; R . F . Nesbit, H . I2ih R egulars; John Perry, E , I2th P. V .; Richard Rozel. K . n t h P. V .; Z. Robinalt. H . 53d P. V*.; Simon Springer. II, 53d P. V .; J . S . Smith. F , ii2 lh P. V .; i-cvi B.' Schock. 13 1s t P . V .; Michael Thornton, H , 53d P. V. Mahoning Tonmship— Jolm Stineman, 4th New Y ork Volunteers; Peter Mc.Afee, Com­ pany E , 6lh Pa. R eserves; Joshua Mc.Afee. 52d P. V .; Charles Flick, E . i32 d P . V .: Charles W aters, 1, 52d P. V’ .; Samuel Gray, F , Matthew’s B attery; John Watts, F , Mat­ thew’s Battciy-; G tarles Rishel, H , 93d P. V’ .; G iristian W agner, E . 6ih I'a. Reserves; .Abram Voris, K. 6th P. R . ; John Campliell, F . Matthew’s Balter)-; Henry llo g a r; William T urvcy, E , 53d P. * .; Daniel T urvey, E , 53<1

’. ; Ilcn ry  1 nccnt, .A. i32d P .  ' . ; Thonus

ones. .A, i32d P.

Michael Rouch. I). 6«>th

’. Philip Cassiday, .A, — th — . — .; W il­ iam Edmunds. A . 69th P. V . ; William Sinilh, 1. 93d P. V .: John R . Mowercr. H , y3<l P. .Aaron Scchlcr. . , I32d P . V .; John Leighow, H , 132<1 P. V .; Jacob Sanders, D, 6 ist P. V .; C lu rles Mowercr, F , 112th P. V'.; Henry S. Neuss. F . Matthew’s Battery; George W’. Mowerer. F . Matthew’s Batter)*; H enry Wlrcniaii, F . Matthew's Battery: Jolm H. Christian. F , Matthew’s Batter)-;