Page:Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania, Containing a Concise History of the Two Counties and a Genealogical and Biographical Record of Representative Families.pdf/359

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convention at Cincinnati, Ohio, at which his Their children w ere: M ary J ., w ife o f Peter fricn ii, Jam es Buchanan, was nominated for G ro ve; Kate G.. w ife o f C a r le s W atson; the presidency. In October. 1856, Mr. Mont­ Edward H ., J r .; Em ily, who died young; and gom ery was elected to represent his district in William Jcnnison, at present a member of the Congress. On March 1, 1857, he visited bar, and who succeeded his father as president W ashington. D. C ., and participated in the of the Danville National Bank. M r. Baldy inauguration festivities. He stopped at the married (second) Alice Montgomery, daugh­ “ National H otel/’ where President-Elect ter o f John G . Montgomery, Lsq., and Buchanan and many others o f his friends their children w ere: S a ^ i H urley, w ife o f w ere guests. Here Mr. Montgomery was Dr. I. H. Jennings; Dr. John Montgomery stricken down very suddenly and mysteriously, Baldy, a noted suigcon o f Philadelphia; Alice, it has ^ n c ra lly liccn supposed as the result of who married M r. Hartman, o f P a ris; Henry poisoning, and was brought home, where he W aller, who died young; and Henrietta lingered in much pain fo r seven weeks Cooper Baldy. .Mr. Baldy fo r his third w ife and filially, .April 24. 1857, died. John G. married Henrietta Montgomery, a sister o f his Montgomery was a law yer o f power, whose second wife. He died in 18 9 1, at the age of ser-ices were attended with aoundant suc­ seventy years. cess, a niaix o f many good parts, a perfect G eorue D. B i; t l e r, a member of the bar, gentlcnun. and a kind and afTcclionatc hus­ was elected prothonotary in 1863. A fte r band and father. serving in that position and practicing for A R T t t f R W. F r i c k, son o f Geoige .A. Frick, some time in the county he removed from F.sq., graduated at Princeton in the class of Danville, and we lu v e nothing further o f his 1838 . H e studied law at Danville and was work. admitted to the bar o f Montour county. B. K . R h o d e s was bom near Catawissa and A. J . F r i c k, another son o f George .A. came with his father to l>anvillc in 1825. He F rick, Esq., w.os bom in Dans'ille in 1838. He attended the school taught by Ellis Hughes, sttidicil law with William G- H urley. E ^ ., and read law with John Cooper, and was admitted w as ailmiited to practice in 1855. In Septem­ to the practice o f law in 1842, When the ber. i8 6 t. he entered the UnitM States ser-icc county seat was removed to Bloomsburg Mr. and serx-ed with distinction in the rank o f Rhodes moved to that jilace ami remained captain and afterw ards as lieutenant colonel. there until 1852. when he relum ed to l>anviUe. F o r a number o f years after his return from where he remained until his death. Ju ly 1 1 , the army he sen-cd as fleputy revenue collector i ^ t . in this district. H e died in March, 1915Wic-LIAM C . J ohnston w as bom in what is P a v l L iu d v stood high a l the bar. He now D erry township, Montour county. Feb. serx-cd a temi as district attorney and 14. 18 18, a son o f W alter ami Elizabeth elected to fill the vacancy in the ’niirty-fifth Johnston, natives o f I^anc.astcr county and of Congress caused by the death o f John G. Scotch-Irish origin. Mr. Jolinston received Montgoincr)'. his cilucation in the common schools o f Derry E d w .x r i ) II. BAtnv, son of Peter Baldy. S r., township and Danville, as well as in those of graduated from Princeton College in the class Milton and I-cwisburg- F o r twelve years he o f 1839. before he o f age. H e read law taught school, ami then read law and was ad­ w ith Joshua W. Comly and was admitted to mitted to practice in 1839. He located in the bar at the age o f twenty-two ycara. lie Jerseytown fo r one year and then came to practiced in Danville during his entire life and Danville. In 1850 he was elected lo the office w as one of the most successful lawyers of the o f register and recorder, which position he county, shrewd and energetic, his reputation held until his dc,ath, November. I ^ . extending throughout this whole section of the I. X . G r i e r, son o f Michael C . G rier and a State. He forgcil to the front rank of his nephew o f Hon. Robert C. G rier, was liorii in profession. He succeeded his father as presi­ Danville Dec. 27. 1835. He graduated from dent of the Danville National Bank. Mr. I.afaycttc College in 1858. I'rior to entering llak ly w as rct.aincd in nearly all the ini|>ortant college, .and after graiUution, he was con­ ca.scs brought in Montour county during the n e c t^ with the Susquehanna R iver Telegraph time o f his prartice. He was a tnistcil coun­ Company, ami later servetl as treasurer o f that selor and represented most of the industries company until it was merged into the Western locatcil in Danville and the ncighborhooil in al! Union. Mr. G rier rca<l law xvith Kdward II. their litigation. M r. Baldy was three times Baldy. Esq.. and wilh Judge John Cooper, and married. His first w ife was .Mary Jcnnison. was admitted to the bar o f Montour county