Page:Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania, Containing a Concise History of the Two Counties and a Genealogical and Biographical Record of Representative Families.pdf/360

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in 18 6 1. In the early seventies Mr. Grier his profession for a number o f years, again funned a panncridup with Geoige W. van leaving the county and moving West. Fosscn, under the finn name o f G rier and van W i l l i a m J . B a i j i v w as born in Danville. Fossen. In 1877 he formed a ]>annenihi}) with Pa.. .March 27, 1853. He was the son of E d ­ H. M. Hinckley, under the lirm name o f Grier ward H . Baldy, Esq. M r. Baldy was educated and Hinckley, which (wrlnership continued at the .Academy and other schools o f Danville until 1885, when lie was obliged lo ^ivc up the and graduated from Andalusia College, .Anda­ practice o f law on account o f failing health. lusia. Bucks Co., Pa., in 1873. H e read law Mr. Grier has been engaged in many of the with his father and w as admitted to the prac­ manufacturing interests o f Danville and for tice of the law in Montour county Dec. 18 , a number of years has been president of the 1876. M r. Baldy rcuiined considerable o f his First National Bank of Danville. father’s practice after the latier's retirement, D.^N1KL V. R. n k read law with Rol>ert and succeeded his father as president of the H awley, in Muncy, and was admitted to prac­ Danville National Bank, Oct. 2, 1897, which tice in 1859. H e located at Millershurg and position he still holds. carried on his profession there until August, J a m e s ScARLKT w as born in Kiiz.ibcth, N. J ., 18 6 1, when he enlisted and entered the United D « . 3 t, 1848, a son of George .and M ary S c a r ­ States service. Mr. Rank served with bravery let. H is father was a sea captain, Jam es w as and distinction in (he Union army. In 1872 left an orphan at an early age. the eldest o f he located in Scranton and resumed the prac­ three sons. He came to CHanville a boy, under tice o f his profession. H e remained there the care o f W . W . Pinneo. and worked for until 1882. when he moved to Limcstoneville. Mr. Pinneo on his farm, where the State H os­ his present residence. In 1884 he was elected pital for the Insane now stands, fo r some district attorney. years. H e afterw ards learned the blacksmith’s J o h n C o o I' k r M o n t o o m k r v is a son o f John trade with Keely & Trumbowcr, and while G . Montgomery and grandson o f Judge John following (hat trade took up a course o f study Cooper. H e graduated from Har*ard Uni­ preparatory to entering college. In 1870 M r. versity in the class of 1870, read law with Scarlet entered I’ rinceton College and g ra d ­ Kdward II. Baldy, and w as elected district at­ uated in the class o f 1874. He studied law torney in 1872. M r. Montgomery has retired with Thomas J . Galbraith. Esq., and w as ad ­ from practice. mitted to practice in the courts o f Montour H. M . H j .n c k l r y was l>orn in H arrisbui^. county in 1877 and subsequently 10 (he S u ­ Pa., and attended the public schools o f his na­ tive city until 1867. when he moved to Dan­ preme court uf Pennsylvania and the United ville. F o r three years he clerked in the com­ Slates courts. M r. Scarlet was elected district attorney o f pany store o f Waterman & Beaver, and in 1870 entered Princeton College, from which Montour county in 1882. He has formed twro he graduated in the class o f 1874. He studied partnerships in the practice of la w; one with law with I. X . G rier and w as admitted to Henry Vincent, under the firm name o f Vin­ practice in 1875. In 1877 M r. Hinckley cent and Scarlet: and the other with Fran k formed a law partnership with his preceptor. C. .Angle, under the firm name of Scarlet and I. X . Grier, which partnership continued until .Angle. •Mr. .Scarlet was counsel for the probing Mr. G rier's retirement from practice, in 1885. In 1888 Mr. Hinckley was appointed, by committee investigating the Capitol g ra ft at Governor Beaver, president judge of the H arrisbuig. and when prosecutions w ere in­ Twenty-sixth Judicial district, succeeding stituted he w as retained by the State to assist Ju d ge William F.lwcll, H e failed o f election in the prosecution. It w as owing to his mas­ ter)' of the situation that the grafters were in the fall o f that year and has been practic­ convicted and sentenced. The United .States ing in Danville ever since. government retained .Mr. Scarlet in a number T h o m a s J . G a l b r a i t h w a s practicing law o f investigations into certain trusts, in all in Danville in the early fifties. He had read o f which he showed marked ability. law with Joshua V. Comly, Ksq., but the H e n r v V i n c e n t, son o f Jo b and Lydia record o f his admission has not been pre­ Mncent, w as bom in England Dec. 25, 1844. served. A fte r some years o f practice here, H is father emigrated with his family to .Amer­ M r. Galbraith moved to Minnesota, where he ica in 1852 and soon after settled in Montour continued to practice for a while. H e after­ county. H enry Vincent, after receiving a lim­ w ards returned to Danville and continued in ited ^ u catio n in the comnKtn schools, at the