Page:Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania, Containing a Concise History of the Two Counties and a Genealogical and Biographical Record of Representative Families.pdf/619

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A . R ., lirst a s a member o f Goodrich Post. in his native township, where he became one N o. 22, o f Danville, and later as a member of the well known citizens and p rc ^ c ssiv e o f Capt. C . G . Jackson Post, N o. 159, B er­ agriculturists. Politically he w as a Democrat, w ick, o f which he has been commander twelve and very active in local affairs, serving as yearn. Mr. I.cnhart has attended the Presby­ county treasurer o f Columbia county from terian Church at Berw ick, with which his w ife 1883 to 1885. Adam M . Johnson married w as also identified. Elizabeth Campbell, a daughter o f Nicholas C. Fred Lenhart entered the employ of the Campbell, o f Northumberland county. P a. .She Berw ick Stove Company when only fifteen passed aw ay Ju ly 4, 1906, and her husband years o f age, and gave it faithful service for in December, 1909, and both arc buried in three vears, when he went into his father’s Ralpho township. Northumberland Co., Pa., line o f work, form ing a connection with the near Elysburg. T his c.xccllcnt couple had Am erican C ar and Foundry Company, with children as fo llo w s: Ella, who nuirried Jacob which he continued fo r five years. Becoming E . T hom as: N ora, who married Elw ood Gila candidate fo r county commissioner in the g c r; M cC lellan; B crlly, who died young; .Ar­ meanwhile, he w as elected as the Republican thur E ., ami Bartlett H. nominee, serving from 1908 to 1 9 1 1. In No­ Bartlett H . Johnson received the educa­ vember o f (hat same year he w as reelected, tional advantages afforded in Cleveland town­ to succeed himself, after a hotly contested ship and at Elysburg Academ y, following campaign. H e is the youngest man ever which he taught scliool in Ralphu toumship, elected to this office in Columbia county, and Northumberland county. T o further fit him­ at present the oldest in point o f ser‘icc. self fo r the profession he entered the Bloom s­ On Dec. 14. 1 9 1 1, M r. Lenhart w as married burg S tite Norm al School, from which in­ to Frances Beatrice G orrey. bom N ov. 27, stitution he w as graduated in 1896. afterw ards 1887, at Bloomsburg. Pa., a daughter of teaching school for five years in Franklin Thom aa and Emma A, (S te rn e r) G orrey, township, Columbia county. .At the expira­ l)Oth o f whom are deceased. F o r some years tion o f that )>eriod M r. Johnson entered the the father w as a prominent contractor at office o f Ikclcr & Ikeler, o f Bloomsburg. and W ilkes-Barre and Bloomsburg. having built read law for one year. H is next business a s­ most of the best buildings in his time. Mr. sociation w as with the M orning P ress, one and M rs. Ixn h art have one child, Helen Bea­ of the popular journals o f Bloonuhurg. as so­ trice, born Dec. 2, 19 12 . M r. I.enhart w as a licitor and collector, which position he re­ member o f Sus<|uchanna Commandery, N o. 18, tained for five years, to the entire satisfac­ K nights o f M alta, and has Iiccn closely iden­ tion o f all parties concerned. M r. Johnson tified with the Rangers Hose Company of then entered the employ of the .American C ar Berw ick, assisting in its oi^anization; he and Foundry Company at Blooim buig. re ­ served as its president for some years. maining with this concern until it c! o ^ its plant at this point in 1 9 1 1 . H aving then de­ B A R T L E T T H . JO H N S O N, principal of cided upon taking up a line o f business which the T hird Street school at Bloomsburg. Pa., would enable him to get aw ay from office and an intensive farm er and poultryman dur­ w ork, M r. lohnson liought the old vineyard ing the summer months, w as bom in Cleve­ known a s the Lem. Rupert property, at the land township. Columbia county, Sept. I I, com er o f Second and Barton streets. This 1876. son o f Adam .I. Johnson, o f i.ocust iropcrty comprises four acres, where Mr. ohnson is carrying on [loultry and produce township, one of the descendants o f a line o f agriculturists whose efforts have resulted in raising. H e is making his land yield large the present development of the agricultural returns by keeping it all cultivated acconling possibilities of the county. H is grandfather to Ihc most approved modern ideas. Johnson was a resident o f what is now In 1902 M r. Johnson m arried .Miss Hattie Cleveland township (during his lifetime M . Rider, ilaughtcr o f Lloyd T . and Esther .A. known as I^ieust township), and there he (B u ch er) Rider, and they have two daugh­ died. H e had the following children; H an­ ters, Pauline M . and A lta M. M r. Johnson is nah. .Asberry, f.eib. John. M ., and a Democrat |x>litically, and has given good service as election judgc. T he Methodist 'niotnas. .A<lam M . Johnson w as lx*m in Locust town­ CTiurch is his religious home, and he is sers'ship, Columbia Co., Pa., where he w as reared ing as trustee, and has been a teaclier in the and taught the shoemaker’s trade, following Sunday school. I.1.0YD T . R id e r, a v e te r a n o f th e C i v i l w a r it for a time. I.atcr he engagc<l in farming