Page:Historical records of the 40th (2nd Somersetshire) regiment.djvu/543

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40th regiment. 436 Colonel F- S. Blj-th, who had held command of the 40lh since 8th June, 1867, relired on half pay on 6th August of this year, and was succeeded in the command by Major W. D. Shipley, A fresh detachment was furnished at the end of November^ at Fatighar, where two companies were sent, under the command of Captain Dudgeon. Thus, at the end of the year 1879, the regiment was distributed as follows :— Head-quarters and two companies at Dam Dam ; four companies at Benares; two companies at Faiighar. The company at IJarraclcpore had, with two from Dam Dam, been sent to Fort William for duty on 27th October, but these companies all returned to Dam Dam on 32nd November. The Megimenial Rsiord Book gives the strength of the regiment on 31st December as follows: — ElTcclive . 19 18 m SI 1880. For over four years the 40ih had now been quartered in the enervating climate of lower Bengal, and, as might be expected, the health of the regiment had suffered considerably. It was not without reason, thert-fore, that early in 1880 the regi- ment was moved to a better station. The head-quarters and two companies left Dam Dam, under command of Major Shipley, on 21st January, <n route to Chaubatia — connecled with the 4(}|h. Before hii death he colleclnl, and hnd ptinlcd in pamphlci foini. much iniciettijig information regardini; the early history of the regiment, which hM lieen embodied In this remid, and is refcncd la in Lhe preface kdA clsewhetCk