Page:Historical records of the 40th (2nd Somersetshire) regiment.djvu/544

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426 HISTORICAL RECORDS OF THE a hill Station in the north-west provinces. They were joined at Benares by the left half battalion, and the whole then proceeded together as far as Shahjahanpur At this place three companies were left on detachment, and the remainder of the regiment, with the exception of the two companies still at Fatighar, proceeded to Chaubatia Colonel J. R. Barlow inspected the head-quarters and companies at Cnaubatia on 12th July. During this year a disastrous landslip occurred at Naini Tal — a favourite hill station not far from Chaubatia, where Major Morphy, with his wife and Mrs. Turnbull, wife of Captain Turnbull, of the 40th, were staying at the time. The landslip occurred on 15th September, and all three lost their lives in this sudden and terrible catastrophe. Lieutenant F. C. C. Angelo also died this year, being killed in action on 26th March at Fort Battye, Afghanistan, where he was serving at the time with a native regiment The Hegimental Record Book gives the strength of the regiment on 3lst December as follows ;— Effective Establishment. U SO 40 •so 1881. The two companies from Fatighar arrived at Shahjahanpur on lllh January, 1881, and on the 24th February following, four officers and one hundred and two non-commissioned officers and men were sent to Chaubatia for the benefit of their health. Territorial Organisation— Chajige of Title. In April of this year the territorial organisation of the army was introduced, and, in accordance with Horse Guards General Order,