Page:History of Architecture in All Countries Vol 1.djvu/214

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182 HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE. Pakt I themselves. One or two of these have ah-eady been published. The annexed woodcut, for instance (No. 73), of a bas-relief representing a ^■^V'ky/V^/^.J'^-^/^-^^^-^■■■'^^^vA AA/^A/./V 73. Pavilion, from the Sculptures at Khorsabad. little fishing-])avilion on the water's edge, exhibits in a rude manner all the parts of an Assyrian order with its entablature, and the capital 74. Assyrian Temple, North Palace, Koyunjik. (From Rawlinson.) only requires to be slightly elongated to make it similar to those found at Persepolis.