Page:History of Architecture in All Countries Vol 1.djvu/215

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Bk II. Ch. III. ASSYHIAN PALACES. 183 Another from the Central Palace, Koyunjik, repeats the same ar- rangement, with pillars which must be considered as early examples 75. Bas-relief, representing fa9ade of Assyrian Palace. (From British Museum.) of the Corinthian order, and, if we may trust the drawing, it likewise represents an aqueduct with horizontally constructed arches of pointed form. A third representation (No. 75) from the same palace seems intended to portray a complete palace fa9ade, with its winged bulls in the en- m iiiHn w ii im i . i Lt i w i i ii ii ii[m in n i . nmnriiiiiii! iii..ti..j,iiii i | | =; -"T '■"Ml, 1 F i r^ r n r AAAAAA ^A/V 76. Exterior of a Palace, from a Bas-relief at Koyunjik. trance and its colossal lions on the front. Above these animals, but not apparently meant to be represented as resting on them, are pillars in