Page:History of Architecture in All Countries Vol 1.djvu/30

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XXll ILLUSTRATIONS TO VOL. I. NO. PAGE NO. 170. Plan of Regulini Galeassi Tomb . . 287 220. 171. Sections of Regulini Galeassi Tomb 287 221. 172. Section of a Tomb at Caere . . . 288 222. 173. View of principal Chamber in the 223. Regulini Galeassi Tomb .... 288 224 174. Plan of Cocumella, Vulci .... 289 175. View of Cocumella, Vulci .... 280 225. 176. Tomb of Aruns, Albano 290 226. 177. Gateway at Arpino 290 178. Aqueduct at Tusculum 291 227. 179. 298 299 228. 186. Ionic Order 22G. 181. Corinthian Order 300 230. 182. Composite Order 302 2.31. 183. Corinthian Base, found in Church of 232. St. Praxede in Rome 302 233. 184. 303 234. 185. View in Court-yard of Palace at 235. Spalatro 304 236. 186. Tetnple of Mars Ultor 306 237. 187. Plan of Maison Carree at Nimes . . 307 2.38. 188. Plan of Temple of Diana at Nimes 307 239. 189. View of the Interior of the Temple 240, of Diana at Kimes 308 241. 190. Plan of Pantheon at Rome .... 309 242. 191. Half Elevation, half Section, of the 243. Pantheon at Rome 310 244 192. Plan of Temple at Tivoli .... 311 245. 193. Restored Elevation of Temple at 246. Tivoli 311 947 194. Plan and Elevation of Temple in 248. Diocletian's Palace at Spalatro . 312 249. 195. Ruins of the Temple of -Jupiter 250. Olympus at Athens 313 251. 196. Plan of Small Temple at Baalbec . 314 197. Elevation of Small Temple at 252. Baalbec 314 253. 198. Plan of Trajan's Basilica at Rome . 317 199. Restored Section of Trajan's Basilica 317 254. 200. Plan of Basilica of Maxentius 319 201. Longitudinal Section of Basilica 255. of Maxentius 319 256. 202. Transverse Section of Basilica of Maxentius 319 257. 203. Pillar of Maxentian Basilica . . . 320 258. 204. Plan of the Basilica at Treves . . 321 2.59. 205. External View of the Basilica at 260. Treves 322 261. 206. Internal View of the Basilica at Treves 322 323 262. 207. Plan of Basilica at Pompeii . . . 263. 208. Plan of the Theatre at Orange . . 325 209. View of the Theatre at Orange . . 325 264. 210. Elevation and Section of part of the Flavian Amphitheatre, at Rome . 227 211. Quarter-plan of the Seats and quarter-plan of the Basement of 265. the Flavian Amphitheatre . . . 327 266. 212. Elevation of Amphitheatre at Verona 329 213. Baths of Caracalla, as restored by 267. A. Blouet ■ . . 333 268. 214. Arch of Trajan at Beneventum . . 335 209. 215. Arch of Titus at Rome 336 270. 216. Arch of Septimius Severvis . . . 336 271. 217. Porte St. Andr(? at Autun .... 337 272. 218. Plan of Porta Nigra at Trfeves . . 338 273. 219. View of the Porta Kigra at Treves . 338 PAGE Bridge at Chamas 339 Column at Cussi 341 Supposed Capital of Column at Cussi 341 Tomb of CiBcilia Metella .... 343 Columbarium near the Gate of St. Sebastian, Rome 344 Section of Sepulchre at San Vito . 345 Section and Elevation of Tomb of Sta. Helena, Rome 346 Plan of Minerva Medica at Rome . 348 Section of Minerva Medica . . . 348 Rib of Roof of Minerva Medica , . 348 Tomb at St. Remi 349 Monument at Igel, near Treves . . 3.50 Khasne, Petra 352 Section of Tomb at Khasne . . , 353 Corinthian Tomb, Petra 354 Rock-cut interior at Petra .... 355 FaQade of Herod's Tombs ... 356 So-called " Tomb of Zechariah " . . 356 The so-called Tomb of Absalom . . 357 Angle of Tomb of Absalom .... 357 Fafade of the Tombs of the Judges . 358 Tomb at Mylassa 359 Tomb at Dugga 360 Plan of the Kubr Roume'ia .... 361 View of the Madracen 361 Palace of Diocletian at Spalatro . 365 Golden Gateway at Spalatro . . . 366 House of Pansa at Pompeii, . . . 369 Wall Decoration at Pompeii . . . .371 Aqueduct of Segovia 374 Aqueduct of Tarragona 374 Bridge of Trajan, Alcantara, Spain 375 Egyptian Vase 376 Plan of Palace at Al Hadlir . . . 378 Elevation of part of the Palace of Al Hadhr 379 View in the Court of the Great Mosque at Diarbekr 381 Plan of Palace at Serblstan . . . 383 Section on line A B of Palace at Serbistan 383 Plan of Palace at Firouzabad . . . 384 Doorway at Firouzabad 384 Part of External Wall, Firouzabad 385 Plan of Tak Kesra at Ctesiphon . . 385 Elevation of Great Arch of Tak Kesra at Ctesiphon 386 Sketch Plan of Palace at Mashita . 387 Interior of ruined Triapsal Hall of Palace 388 One compartment of Western Oc- tagon Tower of the Persian Palace at aiashita 389 Part of West Wing Wall of Exter- nal Fagade of Palace at Mashita . 390 Elevation of External Facade of the Palace at Mashita, as restored by the Author .392 Arch of Chosroes at Takt-i-Bostan . 393 Plan of Church at Djemla . . . . 404 Plan of Church at Announa . . . 404 Plan of Church at Ibrim in Nubia . 405 Plan of Basilica at Orleansville . . 405 Plan of White Convent near Siout . 406 Plan of the Church of San Clemente at Rome 408