Page:History of Architecture in All Countries Vol 1.djvu/31

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ILLUSTRATIONS TO VOL. I. XXIU NO. 274. 275. 276. 277. ■278. 279. 280. 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. 298. 299. 300. 301. 302. 303. 304. 305. 306. 307. 308. 309. 310. 311. 312. 313. 314. 315. 316. 317. 318. PAGE Plan of the original Basilica of St. Peter at Rome 411 Basilica of St. Peter, before its de- struction 413 "View of the Interior of St. Paul's at Rome, before the fire 415 Plan of Sta. Maria Maggiore ... 416 View of Sta. Maria Maggiore ... 417 Plan of Sta. Agnese 417 Section of Sta. Agnese 417 Restored View of the Interior of the Basilica of S. Lorenzo fuori le Mura 418 Plan of Sta. Pudentiana 419 Section of Sta. Pudentiana .... 419 Capital of Sta. Pudentiana .... 420 Half Section, half Elevation, of the Church of Sau Vincenzo alle Tre Fontane 421 Plan of St. Appollinare Kuovo . . 422 Arches in Church of San Appolli- nare Xuovo 422 Part of Apse in S. Appollinare in Classe, Ravenna 423 S. Appollinare in Classe, Ravenna . 423 Church at Parenzo in Istria . . . 425 Capital of Pillar at Parenzo . . . 425 Plan of Church at Torcello ... 426 Apse of Basilica at Torcello . . . 427 Plan of the Baptistery of Constan- tine 431 Plan of the Tomb of Sta. Costanza, Rome 431 Plan of San Stephano Rotondo . . 432 Plan of Sti. Angeli, Perugia . . . 4.35 Section of Sti. Angeli, Perugia . . 432 Plan of Baptistery at Nocera dei Pagani 433 Section of Baptistery at Nocera dei Pagani 434 Plan of St. .Vitale, Ravenna . . . 435 Section of St. Vitale, Ravenna . . 4.35 Plan of S. Lorenzo at Jlilau . . . 436 Plan of Tomb of Galla Placidia, Ravenna 438 Capital of Pillars forming peri, style round Theodoric's Tomb, Ravenna 439 Plan of Tomb of Theodoric . . . 439 Elevation of Tomb of Theodoric . . 4.39 Palazzo delle Torre, Turin .... 441 Diagram of the Architectural Divis- ions of France 443 Diagram of Vaulting 449 Diagram of Dome pendentives . . 450 Section of Church at Carcassone, with the outer aisles added in the 14th Century 452 Porch of Notre Dame de Doms, Avignon 454 Porch of St. Trophime, Aries ... 455 Apse of Church at Alet 456 Internal Angle of Apse at Alet . . 457 Elevation of half one Bay of the Exterior of St. Paul aux Trois Chateaux 458 Half bay of Interior of St. Paul aux Trois Chateaux ' 458 NO. PAGE 319. Longitudinal and Cross Section of Fontifroide Church 4,59 320. Doorway in Church at Maguelone . 460 321. Plan of Cathedral, Vienne .... 461 322. Plan of Church at Planes 462 323. Tower at Puissalicon 462 324. Church at Cruas 463 325. Cloister at Fontifroide 464 326. 327. Capitals in Cloister, Elne ... 465 328. Plan of St. Front, Perigeux ... 466 329. Part of St. Front, Perigeux ... 467 330. Interior of Church at Souillac . . 469 331. Plan of Cathedral at Angouleme . 470 332. One Bay of Nave, Angouleme . . . 470 33.3. Plan of Church at Moissac .... 471 334. Plan of Cathedral of Alby .... 471 335. Plan of Church of Cordeliers at Toulouse 472 3.36. Section of Church of Cordeliers . . 472 337. View of Angle of Church of Cor- deliers ' 472 338. Plan of Church of St. Sernin, Toulouse 474 339. Section of the Church of St. Sernin 474 340. Plan of Church at Conques .... 475 341. Plan of St. Martin at Tours ... 475 342. Plan of Church at Charroux ... 476 343. Plan of St. Benigne, Dijon .... 477 344. St. Sernin, Toulouse 478 .345. Church at Aillas 480 .346. Church at Loupiac 480 347. St. Eloi, Espaliou 481 348. Tomb at St. Pierre, Toulouse ... 481 .349. Plan of Cathedral at Angers ... 484 .350. Plan of St. Trinit»5, Augers .... 484 351. View of the Interior of Loche.s . . 485 352. Plan of Church at Fontevrault . . 485 353. View of Chevet at Fontevrault . . 486 354. Elevation of one of the Bays of the Nave at Fontevrault 486 355. Facade of Church of Notre Dame at Poitiers 487 .356. Plan of Cathedral at Poitiers ... 488 .357. Spire at Cunault 489 .358. Plan of Cliurch at Issoire .... 491 .3.59. Elevation of Church at Issoire . . 492 360. Section of Church at Issoire, look- ing East 492 361. Elevation of Chevet, Notre Dame du Port Clermont 493 362. Plan of Chevet, Notre Dame du Port Clermont 494 363. Fortified Church at Royat .... 495 364. Fafade of Church of Ainay ... 497 365. Cloister of Cathedral of Puy en Velay 498 366. View of Interior of Abbey at Tour- nus 499 367. Plan of Abbey Church at Cluny . . .500 368. View in Aisle at Autun 501 369. View in Nave at Autun 501 370. Section of Narthex at Vezelay . . 502 371. East End, St. Menoux 503 372. Chevet, St. Menoux 504 373. Plan and Section of Basse CEuvre, Beauvais 507 374. External and Internal View of Basse OSuvre 508