Page:History of Art in Phœnicia and Its Dependencies Vol 2.djvu/498

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458 INDEX. Slave trade, Phoenician, ii. 428, 429. Solomon, temple of, i. 261. Solunte, i. 194; wall at, i. 344. Sour, see Tyre. Spain, Phoenicians in, i. 32, 34, 37; erections by Hannibal in, i. 372. Spano, on Sardinian tombs, i. 242/2. ; on etuis from tombs, i. 247/2. Sphinx, Egyptian, copied by the Phoe- nicians, i. 131 ; Assyrian recalled at Arvad, i. 132 ; difference between Egyptian and Assyrian, i. 133 ; on Cyprian sarcophagi, i. 221 ; statues of, ii. 25 ; use of in Phoenicia, ii. 42 ; a Cyprian decoration, ii. 198; on Cyprian gems, ii. 234, 235 ; on seals, ii. 236. Stack, M., on Egyptian influence upon art in Cyprus, ii. 11972. ; on woman playing on a lyre, ii. 14472. Stasinos, ii. 96. Statuettes, in tombs, i. 209-211; from Sardinian tombs, i. 246 ; found near Phoenician temples, i. 263, 264; from Malta, i. 315 ; terra-cotta, ii. 4, 5, 263 ; coloured, ii. 5, 6 ; ivory, ii. 7 ; wooden statuettes of gods, ii. 17 ; glazed earthenware, ii. 20; from Tharros, ii. 21; from Tortosa, ii. 2, 21 ; Ionic, ii. 27; colossal from Sarfend, ii. 28 ; bronze from Com- magene, ii. 48-50 ; of goddesses in Cyprus, ii. 52 ; small, ii. 72-77 ; from Sardinia, ii. 75 ; derived from Grecian art. tf. 75, 76; with coloured drapery, ii. 76, from Cyprus, ii. 113 ; charac- teristics of Cyprian, ii. 114, 116, 136- 139; method of making clay, ii. 148 ; from Alambra, ii. 148 ; from Livadia, ii. 157 ; of worshippers, ii. 178, 183; of inhabitants of Cyprus, ii. 179, 181 ; coloured, of soldiers, ii. 1 80, 18 1 ; of animals, ii. 181 ; of sacrificial priests, ii. 187, 188 ; raison d'etre of Cyprian statuettes, ii. 192 ; painted Cyprian, ii. 262. Stele, of Jehawmelek, i. 23, 24, 68, 260, ii. ii ; funeral, i. 120; at Tyre, i. 123 ; ii. 33 ; Phoenician, in Cyprus, i. 221, 222; from Athieno, i. 233 ; from necropolis at Tharros, i. 243 ; of gold in temple of Melkait, i. 261 ; from Carthage, i. 262, ii. 16 ; from Sardinia, i. 319, 321 ; from Lily- bseum, i. 319, ii. 33 ; from Sulcis, i. 320, ii. 1 6 ; votive, i. 325/2. ; from Nahr-Abrech, ii. ii, 15; of Mesha, ii. 46 ; Moab, ib. ; to Tanit, ii. 60, 62 ; from Adrumetum, ii. 63, 64 ; from Kition, ii. 100; sepulchral paintings on, ii. 261, 262. Stesenor king of Curium, i. 280- 300. Stone, conical, in temple of Paphos, i. 276, 280; worship of, in Gozo and Malta, i. 307, 315. Strabo, i. ii ; account of Arvad, i. 19, 23 ; of Tyre, i. 21, 365 ; Phoenician maritime jealousy, i. 50 ; Ccele Syria, i. 214 ; temple of Apollo, i. 297 ; re- mains of fortifications at Carthage, i. 35172. ; Phoenician waterworks, i. 36672. ; on manufacture of glass, ii. 331- Sulcis, steles from, i. 320, ii. 16; statuettes found at, ii. 52. Symbol of three birds, ii. 238. Syracuse, foundation of, i. 38 ; Cartha- ginian siege of, ii. 56; terra-cottas from, ii. 81. Syria, bad land route in, i. 5, 6 ; com- merce, i. 8 ; destruction of the old har- bours on coast of, i. 20 ; religious reactions in, i. 94 ; ruins in, i. 1 1 5 ; flat roofs still universal in, i. 116. T. TACITUS, on oracle at Mount Carmel, i. 251, 252 ; temple at Paphos, i. 2 75> 2 79> 2 8o; on Cyprian temples, i. 294; on ancient manufacture of glass, ii. 331. Tamessos, statuette found at, ii. in, 1 12. Tanit, goddess, i. 52, 53, 68, 73, 74, 77,30272.; temples to, i. 79, 325; steles in honour of, i. 130, ii. 60, 62 ; on Carthaginian steles, ii. ii, 16; on steles from Adrumetum, ii. 67. Tarshish, origin of the word, i. 32, im- portance of, i. 33. Tarsus, coin from, ii. 15. Terra-cotta chariots found in tombs, i. 209; figures, ii. 53, 71 ; from Tyre and Sidon, ii. 79 ; groups from tombs, ii. 183-185. Terra di Falco, Solunte, i. 345. Tertullian on human sacrifices, i. 7672. Texier, M., head brought from Edessa by, ii. 46-48.